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Unit tests

Frontend-build supports unit testing using Karma and Jasmine. The test files are located using the following file pattern **/*.spec.js.

Loading HTML, CSS and JSON fixtures

The default Karma setup of frontend-build exposes the jasmine-jquery module for handling HTML, CSS and JSON fixtures, as well as provide a set of custom matchers that simplify validating DOM conditions, e.g. expect($('#id-name')[0]).toBeInDOM().

Fixture files should be defined adjacent to the spec files that use them, or at least as close as possible. They follow the same naming convention as the spec files and are named with a .fixture suffix, e.g. cms.login.fixture.html or cms.config.fixture.json. Karma can be instructed to serve fixture files over it's HTTP-server by adding a file pattern to the files array in the project's karma.conf.js. The default pattern is saved in cfg.src.fixtures and matches { pattern: cfg.srcDir + '**/*.fixture.+(js|html|css|json)', included: false}.

Frontend-build instructs Karma by default to proxy the path /spec/javascripts/fixtures/ (which is the default fixtures path of jasmine-jquery) to /base/src/angularjs/. This is a combination of Karma's base path for serving files over HTTP and the root folder where frontend-build expects your Angular code to live.

When changing the karma options you can customize the proxy path with the following options:

  • override cfg.srcDir in your build.conf.js which changes the default proxy path from /base/src/angularjs to /base/[your src dir]/angularjs
  • override cfg.karmaFixtureProxyPath in your build.conf.js directly
  • override options.proxies in your karma.conf.js, then you will have to replicate these two configuration values:
proxies: {
  '/spec/javascripts/fixtures/': '[your proxy path]',
  '/spec/javascripts/fixtures/json/': '[your proxy path]',
Example project setup and code
|- src
  |- angularjs
    |- main.js
    |- main.spec.js
    |- main.fixture.html
    |- main.fixture.json
    |- dialogs
      |- dialog.fixture.html
      |- dialog.fixture.css

In main.spec.js you can then load your fixtures with:

// Load html fixture into the DOM
// from a subfolder

// load css fixture into the DOM

// Load JSON fixture object
var jsonObject = jasmine.getJSONFixtures().load('main.fixture.json');

For more control over the paths you can use the following snippet in your spec files:

beforeEach(function () {
  jasmine.getFixtures().fixturesPath = 'base/spec/js/fixtures';
  jasmine.getStyleFixtures().fixturesPath = 'base/spec/css/fixtures';
  jasmine.getJSONFixtures().fixturesPath = 'base/spec/json/fixtures';

Releasing frontend-build

To create patch release, run:

npm version patch
git push

To create a minor release, run:

npm version minor
git push

Last, create a description for the released version at