- Typescript;
- React (hooks);
- React-router-dom;
- Formik;
- Redux Toolkit;
- Styled-components (theming);
- react-input-range;
- SCSS (only for react-input-range and fairy lights);
Only for desktop
In this app, you can choose the toys you like or use a ready-made set. Then you can decorate the Christmas tree. There is also a choice of a Christmas tree, a background, the ability to turn on a fairy lights, snow and music.
In this application, I have implemented the following functionality:
- Filtering by multiple values;
- Search by name;
- Sort by range of values;
- Sort by name;
- Sort by date;
- Native drag and drop
- Store all application data in local storage;
- Reset all filters;
- Reset store;
You can play by following the link