Here I saved some special code for a DotDigital (DotMailer).
- (Depricated by DD) DD shrink JPG to content width. This is a problem to use JPG for retina and other high-resolution displays. To bypass this problem you can just change the .jpn -> .png in file name and upload it to DD. It will think this is a PNG and will not reduice this size
- Use upload image in template. Use this domain: ""
- It should take up to 1 hour to show up as webinsight data on Dotdigital, unfortunately, there isn't a way to push that data manually.
- Support is not a technical. It's nice, but not too helpful, so you need to ask them to create a ticket for you and there you will can find Technical team.
- Programs contact enrolment. DotDigital allow up to around 20-30 mins in extreme cases. Basically, contact can start to pass nodes from 2-30 min.
- DD roadmap -
- Email report is show data by "last sent date". Email report (Beta) - show data for "specific range"
All liquid code need to be wrapped in <!---{% if a < 2 %}--->
Show in json value. {{ value | json }}
{% assign SpecialCartLink= "" %}
{% assign Cartinsight_data = contact.insight.Cartinsight | sort: 'ModifiedDate' | reverse %}
{% for Cartinsight in Cartinsight_data | limit:1 %}
{% assign SpecialCartLink = CartInsight.cartUrl %}
{% break %}
{% endfor %}
<!--{% if PageValues.product_specialprice > 0.00 %}-->
<p class="productfield product-price_incl_tax" style="color: rgb(116, 121, 101);"><strike>{{ PageValues.product_price_incl_tax | money: 'ga-IE' }}</strike> </p>
<p class="productfield product-specialprice_incl_tax" style="color: rgb(6, 6, 6);"><b>{{ PageValues.product_specialprice_incl_tax | money: 'ga-IE' }}</b></p>
<!--{% else %}-->
<p style="color: rgb(6, 6, 6);" text-decoration:none;"><b>{{ PageValues.product_price_incl_tax | money: 'ga-IE' }}</b></p>
<!--{% endif %}-->