This package is a component of the human location estimation module. The nodes leverage data from IoT sensors and the relative position of the person as detected by cameras (using the ZED camera by Stereolabs) to estimate the person’s location, even when they are outside the camera's field of view.
The Particle_filter_mesh package has been tested under ROS Humble on Ubuntu 22.04
- Robot Operating System (ROS) (middleware for robotics),
- Eigen (linear algebra library)
To build from source
mkdir -p ~/ros2_ws/src
cd ~/ros2_ws/src
git clone https://olaghattas/particle_filter_mesh.git
cd ../
rosdep install --from-paths . --ignore-src
colcon build --symlink-install
source install/setup.bash
Refer to this repo to run things in docker
Run the main node with
ros2 run particle_filter_mesh particle_filter_node
In order to represent the environment, I used .obj files created in Blender.
Config file cam_view.obj
- cam_view.obj The mesh of the areas the cameras can view in the environment
Config file collision_mesh.obj
- collision.obj The mesh of the obstacles and doors found in the environment
Config file person.obj
- person.obj The mesh of different rooms in the environment
Estimate the location of the person within the environment and publish it to the /tf topic
The system subscribes to the following topics for each ZED camera and sensor in the environment:
([zed_interfaces::msg::ObjectsStamped]) Provides the relative position of a detected person within the frame of the corresponding ZED camera./door_sensors
([std_msgs::msg::Bool]) Indicates whether the associated door sensor has been triggered./motion_sensors
([std_msgs::msg::Bool]) Indicates whether the corresponding motion sensor has been activated.
visualization_msgs::msg::MarkerArray The particles location for visualization purposes.
Please report bugs and request features