auto-save.nvim is a lua plugin for automatically saving your changed buffers in Neovim
Forked from auto-save.nvim as active development has stopped
- automatically save your changes so the world doesn't collapse
- highly customizable:
- conditionals to assert whether to save or not
- events that trigger auto-save
- debounce the save with a delay
- hook into the lifecycle with autocommands
- automatically clean the message area
- Neovim >= 0.8.0
Install the plugin with your favourite package manager:
version = '^1.0.0', -- see, alternatively use '*' to use the latest tagged release
cmd = "ASToggle", -- optional for lazy loading on command
event = { "InsertLeave", "TextChanged" }, -- optional for lazy loading on trigger events
opts = {
-- your config goes here
-- or just leave it empty :)
tag = 'v1*',
config = function()
-- your config goes here
-- or just leave it empty :)
Plug 'okuuva/auto-save.nvim', { 'tag': 'v1*' }
lua << EOF
-- your config goes here
-- or just leave it empty :)
auto-save comes with the following defaults:
enabled = true, -- start auto-save when the plugin is loaded (i.e. when your package manager loads it)
trigger_events = { -- See :h events
immediate_save = { "BufLeave", "FocusLost", "QuitPre", "VimSuspend" }, -- vim events that trigger an immediate save
defer_save = { "InsertLeave", "TextChanged" }, -- vim events that trigger a deferred save (saves after `debounce_delay`)
cancel_deferred_save = { "InsertEnter" }, -- vim events that cancel a pending deferred save
-- function that takes the buffer handle and determines whether to save the current buffer or not
-- return true: if buffer is ok to be saved
-- return false: if it's not ok to be saved
-- if set to `nil` then no specific condition is applied
condition = nil,
write_all_buffers = false, -- write all buffers when the current one meets `condition`
noautocmd = false, -- do not execute autocmds when saving
lockmarks = false, -- lock marks when saving, see `:h lockmarks` for more details
debounce_delay = 1000, -- delay after which a pending save is executed
-- log debug messages to 'auto-save.log' file in neovim cache directory, set to `true` to enable
debug = false,
The trigger_events
field of the configuration allows the user to customize at which events auto-save saves.
While the default are very sane and should be enough for most usecases, finetuning for extended possibilities is supported.
It is also possible to pass a pattern to a trigger event, if you only want to execute the event on special file patterns:
trigger_events = {
immediate_save = {
{ "BufLeave", pattern = { "*.c", "*.h" } }
The condition
field of the configuration allows the user to exclude auto-save from saving specific buffers.
Here is an example that disables auto-save for specified file types:
condition = function(buf)
local filetype = vim.fn.getbufvar(buf, "&filetype")
-- don't save for `sql` file types
if vim.list_contains({ "sql" }, filetype) then
return false
return true
You may also exclude special-buffers
see (:h buftype
and :h special-buffers
condition = function(buf)
-- don't save for special-buffers
if vim.fn.getbufvar(buf, "&buftype") ~= '' then
return false
return true
Buffers that are nomodifiable
are not saved by default.
Besides running auto-save at startup (if you have enabled = true
in your config), you may as well:
: toggle auto-save
You may want to set up a key mapping for toggling:
vim.api.nvim_set_keymap("n", "<leader>n", "<cmd>ASToggle<CR>", {})
or as part of the lazy.nvim
plugin spec:
keys = {
{ "<leader>n", "<cmd>ASToggle<CR>", desc = "Toggle auto-save" },
The plugin fires events at various points during its lifecycle which users can hook into:
Just before a buffer is getting savedAutoSaveWritePost
Just after a buffer is getting savedAutoSaveEnable
Just after enabling the pluginAutoSaveDisable
Just after disabling the plugin
It will always supply the current buffer in the data.saved_buffer
An example to print a message with the file name after a file got saved:
local group = vim.api.nvim_create_augroup('autosave', {})
vim.api.nvim_create_autocmd('User', {
pattern = 'AutoSaveWritePost',
group = group,
callback = function(opts)
if ~= nil then
local filename = vim.api.nvim_buf_get_name(
vim.notify('AutoSave: saved ' .. filename .. ' at ' .. vim.fn.strftime('%H:%M:%S'), vim.log.levels.INFO)
Another example to print a message when enabling/disabling autosave:
local group = vim.api.nvim_create_augroup('autosave', {})
vim.api.nvim_create_autocmd('User', {
pattern = 'AutoSaveEnable',
group = group,
callback = function(opts)
vim.notify('AutoSave enabled', vim.log.levels.INFO)
vim.api.nvim_create_autocmd('User', {
pattern = 'AutoSaveDisable',
group = group,
callback = function(opts)
vim.notify('AutoSave disabled', vim.log.levels.INFO)
If you want more Events, feel free to open an issue.
- All pull requests are welcome.
- If you encounter bugs please open an issue.
- Please use Conventional Commits when commiting.
- See @commitlint/config-conventional for more details.
This plugin wouldn't exist without Pocco81's work on the original.