Python module to read karaoke .kar files (and also regular midi .mid files). Use it to build your own application or check the stand-alone player in the examples. This is actually just a small application of module midifile, which I wrote to be able to parse MIDI files.
Check the very simple examples (example[1-3].py) to see how this module can be used to implement a karaoke application. The module can be useful for other applications too, as it provides the information of each note, including real time on and off setting is an extremely simple text-based karaoke application that runs on the console. It doesn't play any music, just shows the lyrics. It has no additional requirements. adds music to it using pygame. Requires: pygame. shows how to use pygame to build a graphic frontend for a karaoke application. Requires: pygame.
Documentation for midifile module:
This module defines the class midifile which may be used to parse and extract information from MIDI (.mid) files and Karaoke (.kar) files. This can be useful to analyze a MIDI file or as a back-end for a karaoke player. The class midifile creates an object that is associated to the MIDI (or .kar) file being parsed. The following instance attributes are defined:
fileobject: A file type associated to the .mid or .kar file
error : Error condition upon exit from the class methods. It's False
if no error or some other type depending on the error condition
Tempo-related quantities: The tempo can change at any time, so the
following quantities related to the tempo are defined as a list
containing all the values taken and the real time (in seconds)
at which something related to the tempo changed. For instance,
if we have a song with three different values of the BPM (say,
it started at 60, changed to 90 after two mintes and then went
back to 90 after 30 seconds), we have that all tempo-related
variables are lists of three elements. Each element is, in turn,
a list of two elements. The first element is the value itself and
the second is the real time at which it changed. So in this example
we would have bpm=[ [60,0.], [90,120], [60,150] ]
bpm=[[120,0.]] # Midi default
microsecondsperquarternote=[[60000000./120,0.]] # Midi default
num=[[4, 0.]] # Midi default
den=[[4, 0.]] # Midi default
For karaoke .kar files
karfile=Boolean that indicates whether the file has karaoke
information in the .kar format
kartrack=Track number (starting with 0) with the karaoke information
karsyl=List of strings with the kar syllabes
kartimes=list of strings with the real-time (in seconds) associated
to the kar syllabes
karlinea=A list of three strings corresponding to the three lines
that can be displayed in the karaoke. Note: Three lines is the
maximum that this program can handle!! Here we have the part of the
text that has already been read and is usually displayed in a different
karlineb=Same as above but for the text that has not yet been read
(usually displayed by karaokes on white color). As time goes by,
syllabes from this string are removed and appended to the karlinea
string above
Track information
ntracks=Number of tracks in the file
tracknames=List of strings with the names of each track
MIDI note information
patchesused=A list of lists, each element
containing the patches (instruments) used in the file, the
track number in which it was used and the time at which the
midi program change event was recorded
notes=A list containing the note events. Each element has the
information for each note played, with the following values:
[note_number, velocity, patch, track, time_start, time_end]
time_start and time_end are real time in seconds. Time_end
is the time in which a note_off event (or a note_on with 0 velocity)
was registered for this note. Some notes may not have an associated
note_off event, in which case, time_end is set to -1. If two
note_on events are registered for the same note without a note_off
event in between, then the time_end for the first note is set to
the time_start of the second note. Note on and note off matching is
done across tracks but not across patches, so a piano C4 is not
considered the same note as a guitar C4.
The following methods are exposed by the class:
load_file() : This method parses the .mid or .kar file and sets the corresponding class attributes. Should be called before using any of the attributes.
update_karaoke(dt): The input argument dt is a float with the time in seconds elapsed since the start of the song. This method then checks the karaoke information and updates the related attributes (particularly karlinea and karlineb) so that they can be used by the caller. Need to have run load_file() before.
write_file(filein, fileout, tracks2remove, patches2remove): This method replicates a MIDI or karaoke file with the option to supress one or more tracks and/or instruments. filein and fileout are strings with the corresponding filenames (filein must exist and fileout will be overwritten). tracks2remove and patches2remove may be either None or a list (can be an empty list) of integers with the numbers of tracks or instruments that are not wanted in the output file.
In this repository there are some very simple examples that illustrate
possible use cases. is an extremely simple text-based
karaoke application that runs on the console. It doesn't play any
music, just shows the lyrics. It has no additional requirements. adds music to it using pygame. Requires: pygame. shows how to use pygame to build a graphic frontend for
a karaoke application. Requires: pygame.