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Scott Lahteine edited this page Mar 15, 2015 · 4 revisions

Marlin – RepRap Firmware

Marlin is 3D printer firmware, the software that resides on a 3D printer (or "replicating rapid prototyper") driver board and controls the input/output, voltage and signal states, and consequently the movement of the 3D printer.

Marlin runs specifically on the open source Arduino platform, which acts as the core processing unit for many popular 3D printer driver boards. Depending on configuration options, the size of the Marlin binary image may be anywhere from 50K to almost 200K. It supports a huge number of features, of which these are only a few:

  • Servos for bed probing
  • Automatic bed leveling
  • Thermistors and thermocouples
  • LCD controllers and SD cards
  • Delta, SCARA, and Cartesian kinematics
  • USB communication
  • A rich dialect of G-Code
  • Up to 4 extruders
  • Several specific boards

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