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ofthegoats committed Sep 5, 2023
1 parent f5c51bf commit cff7a84
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Showing 7 changed files with 352 additions and 117 deletions.
39 changes: 39 additions & 0 deletions demo/Distributions.hs
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@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
module Distributions where

import Sampler

import qualified System.Random.MWC as MWC

import Control.Monad
import Control.Monad.Reader

-- | Prob in range [0,1]
type Prob = Double

-- | Uniform standard continuous
random :: Sampler Double
random = Sampler $ ask >>= MWC.uniform

uniform :: Double -> Double -> Sampler Double
uniform a b | a > b = uniform b a
uniform a b | a <= b = (\x -> (b - a) * x + a) <$> random

bernoulli :: Prob -> Sampler Bool
bernoulli p = (<=p) <$> random

binomial :: Int -> Prob -> Sampler Int
binomial n p = length . filter id <$> replicateM n (bernoulli p)

gaussian :: Double -> Double -> Sampler Double
gaussian μ σ² =
(\u1 u2 -> μ + σ² * sqrt (-2 * log u1) * cos (2 * pi * u2))
<$> random <*> random

gk :: Double -> Double -> Double -> Double -> Sampler Double
gk a b g k = let c = 0.8 in
(\z -> a
+ b
* (1 + c * tanh (g * z / 2))
* z
* (1 + z**2)**k)
<$> gaussian 0 1
68 changes: 68 additions & 0 deletions demo/Examples.hs
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{-# LANGUAGE DuplicateRecordFields #-}

module Examples where

import Distributions
import Rejection
import Metropolis
import Sampler

import qualified System.Random.MWC as MWC

import Control.Parallel.Strategies
import Control.Monad

import Data.List

-- call the examples for an external script to graph the results
main :: IO ()
main = do
model <- getLine
case model of
"weibull" -> approxWeibull 1 1.8 >>= print
"gk" -> abcGK >>= \pars -> print (fst <$> pars) >> print (snd <$> pars)

approxWeibull :: Double -> Double -> IO [Double]
approxWeibull λ k = let
kernel = RSMC
{ prior = uniform 0 5
, priorDensity = const 2
, targetDensity = \x -> (k / λ) * (x / λ)**(k-1) * exp (-(x / λ)**k)
in MWC.createSystemRandom >>= sample (rs 10000 kernel)

abcGK :: IO [(Double, Double)]
abcGK = let
-- y <- gk 0 1 -0.3 0.8
y :: [Double] = [-0.5104415370506095,-0.7036434632465107,-0.2668368363498056,0.6815278539148982,1.8065750007642016,-1.1482634213252663,-0.10660853352738332,1.2469280832101104,0.7656001636856136,-0.7320043142261864,-4.028497402676845,1.0387799211913844,-1.8660457828367103,-4.0299248430163175,-4.741513290215539,0.6530403315829644,0.24479825013251938,2.6113731175552144,-0.25192550180978834,-5.460086525801049e-2,1.1772787229049015,-5.169184991582197,0.2460051914736727,2.850651742166059,2.803350122147847,-2.5138331249271295,-0.16021357084783153,7.95598130026318e-2,0.1579509935011216,1.2485569713553373,-0.7026650541206256,-6.356494098001902,-1.1067147258067545,-0.3656293496022067,2.5930550010502995,1.4006864549753912,1.3287563023623362e-2,-0.4934879835848968,-0.1152751265700261,4.124238713981147,-0.3274281061664352,17.815877356198563,2.439324175744774,-0.3556365214539682,4.184379956930912,0.5211002573326591,-7.544726539658729,1.1432160816505454,0.10474592715483252,2.2598574690278124,-5.982209564872222e-2,0.3970662237111481,-0.1226321303550215,-2.833925560844585,5.606732231516373,0.4775251542596893,5.521384007685723,-1.3339762548390766,-0.5803242310454019,2.036198920878609,1.011632562481338,-6.607706277661513e-2,3.8510553864065047,-0.11955527847164106,1.6288674013209972,-1.197855950997007,-0.9812973027028926,-3.3243812608680865,-0.9287618414540904,0.6247003134293596,-0.3608071093058975,-1.6574586764389634,0.8422068782827897,1.2963993547489352,3.210441947634901e-2,1.0709150621786345,0.24485693966354982,-1.682055190609811,-1.151283428155862,7.170554007117898e-2,4.8061093617134505,-1.5299907999218874,-2.9428392355646134,0.48157705348963215,2.5763918848022368e-2,0.7333915815410592,-15.221663665916477,-1.202260148652221,-0.2840124914985552,2.3367624660280866,-0.7582762004885446,-4.103347263586696,1.1093339134558795,-1.1724787237984193,0.2366040973823823,-2.1128076576945514,-0.8438843816125938,3.0540896846195116,2.5287449193874108,1.4229384570569787,-1.6480220917225217,-4.134782467746005,0.39280543241777094,0.8511886602772839,2.7602672336570637,0.43392287493375675,-0.4682323987521255,0.7613470128077908,-11.930262800184837,-6.431491814607961,3.0805223447668006,1.9298178856672217,3.2534332707055844,4.065319796389563,-1.7722270288855324,-0.5834553617246786,2.5598942267685425,3.8319128595273138,-1.2609803136050555,-1.5906702843789262,8.158738166147467e-2,-0.7764482576234684,0.6998190710622543,-1.1476144230138676,-1.370813552369474,2.5052687698461074,-0.5323437463478694,0.759077074826166,-0.11759656272783872,-0.24720087400075288,3.72415007937246,1.7881388423706739,1.149159194536326,0.3400441025811831,-0.6689134211264488,0.7618204570110713,-0.7033980200595047,0.2540934346295764,-5.240906405876261,0.41994043930730424,2.2754579486301916,-12.254575244919574,-0.25598032216004896,1.4874270863529166,1.2377717637918372e-3,-0.27220660238528827,0.23363929554286147,-0.574466434237023,-4.759971356174461,0.24492525256681869]
summarise x = let
x' = sort x
n = length x
mean = (sum x) / (fromIntegral n)
sd = (sum . map (\x -> (x - mean)**2) $ x) / (fromIntegral n-1)
in (mean, sd
, (1/(fromIntegral n * sd**3)) * (sum . map (\x -> (x - mean)**3)) x
, (1/(fromIntegral n * sd**4)) * (sum . map (\x -> (x - mean)**4)) x)
kernel = MABC
{ observations = summarise y
, model = \(g, k) -> summarise <$> replicateM 50 (gk 0 1 g k)
, prior = \(g, k) -> (if -2 <= g && g <= 0 then 1 else 0) * (if 0 <= k && k <= 2 then 1 else 0)
, transition = \(g, k) -> (,) <$> gaussian g 2.36 <*> gaussian k 2.36
, distance = \(x0, x1, x2, x3) (y0, y1, y2, y3) ->
(x0 - y0)**2 + (x1 - y1)**2 + (x2 - y2)**2 + (x3 - y3)**2
, tolerance = 1.0
in do
gen <- MWC.createSystemRandom
(g0:g1:g2:g3:g4:g5:_) <- sample (replicateM 6 $ uniform (-2) 0) gen
(k0:k1:k2:k3:k4:k5:_) <- sample (replicateM 6 $ uniform 0 2) gen
runEval $ do
pars0 <- rpar (sample (mh 10000 kernel (g0,k0)) gen)
pars1 <- rpar (sample (mh 10000 kernel (g1,k1)) gen)
pars2 <- rpar (sample (mh 10000 kernel (g2,k2)) gen)
pars3 <- rpar (sample (mh 10000 kernel (g3,k3)) gen)
pars4 <- rpar (sample (mh 10000 kernel (g4,k4)) gen)
pars5 <- rpar (sample (mh 10000 kernel (g5,k5)) gen)
return $ do
a <- pars0 ; b <- pars1 ; c <- pars2 ; d <- pars3 ; e <- pars4 ; f <- pars5
return $ a <> b <> c <> d <> e <> f
43 changes: 43 additions & 0 deletions demo/Metropolis.hs
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@@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
-- | Metropolis Sampling

{-# LANGUAGE FunctionalDependencies #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DuplicateRecordFields #-}

module Metropolis where

import Sampler
import Distributions

mh :: MHKernel k a => Int -> k -> a -> Sampler [a]
mh 0 _ _ = return []
mh n k x_0 = do
x_1 <- k `perturb` x_0
a <- accepts k x_0 x_1
if a
then (x_1:) <$> mh (n-1) k x_1
else (x_0:) <$> mh (n-1) k x_0

class MHKernel k a | k -> a where
perturb :: k -> a -> Sampler a
accepts :: k -> a -> a -> Sampler Bool

data MABC θ ω = MABC
{ observations :: ω
, model :: θ -> Sampler ω
, prior :: θ -> Double -- ^ density
, transition :: θ -> Sampler θ -- ^ assumed symmetrical
, distance :: ω -> ω -> Double
, tolerance :: Double

instance MHKernel (MABC θ ω) θ where
perturb :: MABC θ ω -> θ -> Sampler θ
perturb MABC{..} = transition

accepts :: MABC θ ω -> θ -> θ -> Sampler Bool
accepts MABC{..} θ θ' = do
x <- model θ'
if distance x observations <= tolerance
then bernoulli $ min 1 (prior θ' / prior θ)
else return False
61 changes: 61 additions & 0 deletions demo/Rejection.hs
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@@ -0,0 +1,61 @@
-- | Rejection Sampling

{-# LANGUAGE FunctionalDependencies #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DuplicateRecordFields #-}

module Rejection where

import Sampler
import Distributions

import Data.List

import Control.Monad

import qualified System.Random.MWC as MWC

class RSKernel k a | k -> a where
propose :: k -> Sampler a
accepts :: k -> a -> Sampler Bool

rs :: RSKernel k a => Int -> k -> Sampler [a]
rs 0 _ = return []
rs n k = do
x <- propose k
a <- k `accepts` x
if a
then (x:) <$> rs (n-1) k
else rs (n-1) k

data RSMC ω = RSMC
{ prior :: Sampler ω
, priorDensity :: ω -> Double -- ^ scaled by M
, targetDensity :: ω -> Double

instance RSKernel (RSMC ω) ω where
propose :: RSMC ω -> Sampler ω
propose RSMC{..} = prior

accepts :: RSMC ω -> ω -> Sampler Bool
accepts RSMC{..} x = let
α = targetDensity x / priorDensity x
in (bernoulli $ min 1 α)

data RSABC θ ω = RSABC
{ observations :: ω
, model :: θ -> Sampler ω
, prior :: Sampler θ
, distance :: ω -> ω -> Double
, tolerance :: Double

instance Eq ω => RSKernel (RSABC θ ω) θ where
propose :: RSABC θ ω -> Sampler θ
propose RSABC{..} = prior

accepts :: RSABC θ ω -> θ -> Sampler Bool
accepts RSABC{..} θ = do
x <- model θ
return $ distance x observations <= tolerance
15 changes: 15 additions & 0 deletions demo/Sampler.hs
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@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
{-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-}

module Sampler where

import qualified System.Random.MWC as MWC

import Control.Monad.Reader

type Gen = MWC.GenIO

newtype Sampler a = Sampler { runSampler :: ReaderT Gen IO a }
deriving (Functor, Applicative, Monad, MonadIO)

sample :: Sampler a -> Gen -> IO a
sample = runReaderT . runSampler
25 changes: 25 additions & 0 deletions demo/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python3

import sys
import subprocess
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

def main(model):
if model == "weibull":
result =["stack", "runhaskell", "Examples.hs"], input="weibull\n".encode(), stdout=subprocess.PIPE).stdout.decode()
result = [float(i) for i in result[1:-2].split(",")] # turn into list
plt.hist(result, bins=35, range=(-1, 8));
elif model == "gk":
result =["stack", "runhaskell", "Examples.hs"], input="gk\n".encode(), stdout=subprocess.PIPE).stdout.decode()
result = result[0:-1].split("\n")
g = [float(i) for i in result[0][1:-1].split(",")]
k = [float(i) for i in result[1][1:-1].split(",")]
plt.hist(g, bins=35, range=(-3, 3), alpha=0.8)
plt.hist(k, bins=35, range=(-3, 3), alpha=0.8)
print("bad argument")

if __name__ == '__main__':

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