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@ohr ohr released this 04 Feb 16:33
· 17 commits to master since this release

What's Changed

Most notably:

  • IPF and all major dependencies (including Camel, CXF, Spring Framework, Spring Boot, HAPI FHIR) have been aligned to be compatible with Javarta EE 10 APIs. IPF now also requires JDK 17 as minimum. Please have a look at the IPF migration instructions at

Other changes and improvements:

  • Allow to sort by patient author name in ITI-66 and ITI-67 queries
  • Early support for Swiss UPI transactions eCH-0213, eCH-0214, eCH-0215.
  • Fix "unknown" gender mapping between HL7v2 and HL7v3
  • Implement CP-ITI-1301: Support for the option "Target Communities" in XDS metadata queries.
  • Removed HAPI FHIR dependency from ipf-commons-audit module, replacing it with a more flexible approach of (thread-local) context propagation.
  • Added missing type converter for PDQv3 continuation protocol.
  • Added a possibility to set outgoing HTTP headers in FHIR consumers.
  • Add the possibility to use custom additional URL parameters on a ITI SOAP calls, using the new interceptor type CustomUrlParametersOutInterceptor.
  • Deprecated code was removed. Most notably, XDS.a remainders, Exchanges.resultMessage(Exchange) and some accessors in AuditContext.
  • MessageUtils.copy has been renamed to copyMessage because there was a conflict in more recent versions of the HAPI HL7 library.
  • Use Micrometer-tracing for distributed tracing instead of directly using Brave. Test cases have been added for Brave and OpenTelemetry tracing implementations.
  • If a FhirContext is provided as parameter to a Fhir Producer, other client-side parameters are now disregarded.
  • Improved translation between DSMLv2 and JSON.
  • Adapted CH:PPQm implementation to CH EPR FHIR IG version 4.0.1.
  • Add W3C Trace Context ID to Audit Trail records in the Swiss EPR context.
  • Add support for IHE ITI-119 Patient $match operation (PDQm option).
  • Implement CP-ITI-793: Support for query type "FindDocumentsByReferenceIdListForMultiplePatients" in ITI-51.
  • Properly handle query payload when translating ATNA audit records to FHIR.
  • Support for the IHE SVS transaction ITI-48 "Retrieve Value Set".

Fixed Issues:
Full Changelog: ipf-4.8.0...ipf-5.0.0