CelOS is a simple, easy-to-use, flatpak centric Linux distribution for everyone based on Ubuntu 20.04
CelOS 1-beta6
Last ISO release: 22nd July 2021
- How to recreate CelOS & Our package list
- Based on Ubuntu (20.04 LTS)
- Kernel 5.8.0-59-generic
- Repositories added (Apt)
- (Apt) Packages that we have modified, removed or added
- Repositories added (Flatpak)
- Flatpak Packages that we have modified (**), removed (-) or added (+) - Including dependancies
- Scripts and Files
- Wallpapers
- Themes
- Icons
- Plymouth Theme
- Ubiquity slideshow
- Others
- How can I re-create CelOS 1?
- Made with love by Cob:web-Aclevo and our Open source contributors
- Discord
- Screenshots
Free and open source software is at the heart of Cob:web-Aclevo, and so we are going to ensure that all of the packages, scripts and tools provided pre and post installation are open source, free and findable. CelOS is licensed under the GPL3 license so you can copy, re-create, redistribute and contribute to CelOS!
CelOS, at it's fundementals, is very heavily based on Ubuntu, we will be using a large majority of Ubuntu's packages unless we have specified whether or not we have removed, replaced, modified or added new packages (and their dependancies).
We are using the same Kernel that Ubuntu 20.04 LTS uses. People on older builds can still receive Kernel updates through upstream and so we will try to ensure that this is kept up-to-date.
Added universe
Removed aisleriot
Removed gnome-mahjongg
Removed gnome-mines
Removed gnome-sudoku
Removed evince
Removed libreoffice
Removed rhythmbox
Removed remmina
Removed shotwell
Removed thunderbird
Removed totem
Removed snapd
Removed firefox
Removed gedit
Removed cheese
Removed gnome-calculator
Removed gnome-calendar
Removed gnome-font-viewer
Removed gnome-characters
Removed ubuntu-session
Added gnome-tweak-tool
Added gnome-software
Added gnome-software-plugin-flatpak
Added Flatpak
Added gnome-session
Modified gnome-shell-extensions [Installed via script: apt-get install $(apt search gnome-shell-extension | grep ^gnome | cut -d / -f1)]
Added Flathub
Added adwaita-dark
Added Epiphany
Added Gedit
Added Cheese
Added gnome-calculator
Added gnome-clocks
Added gnome-calendar
Added gnome-photos
Added gnome-characters
Added gnome-font-viewer
Added gnome-contacts
Added gnome-weather
Added gnome-clocks
Added Flatseal
/etc/skel/ is a directory where items will be placed in your "home" directory post install
.bashrc -> /etc/skel
gnome-initial-setup-done -> /etc/skel/.config/
Wallpapers have been placed in -> /etc/skel/Pictures/ (~/Pictures)
Wallpapers have been placed in both /usr/share/backgrounds and ~/Pictures/
You can find the folder for our Wallpapers in the repository.
We are using the default GTK and Shell theme for GNOME, "Adwaita"
We are using the "Adwaita icon theme" icon theme
We are using a modified version of the Weyll-logo theme, which can be found on our GitHub
Original theme:
Once this theme has been placed in /usr/share/plymouth you need to run some commands to update initramfs;
update-alternatives --install /usr/share/plymouth/themes/default.plymouth default.plymouth /usr/share/plymouth/themes/weyll-logo/weyll-logo.plymouth 200
update-alternatives --set default.plymouth /usr/share/plymouth/themes/weyll-logo/weyll-logo.plymouth
update-initramfs -u
apt update && apt upgrade
We have modified Ubiquity to display text and images for CelOS rather than Ubuntu. The files we have used are here: - /usr/share/ubiquity-slideshow/
was given 777 permissions during this stage and removed after we have changed the files within /usr/share/ubiquity-slideshow/
We have modified the file in "/usr/share/glib-2.0/schemas/10-ubuntu-settings.gschema.override" in order for our Adwaita Icons, Wallpaper, and Adwaita-dark shell theme to apply by default.
The Grub has been modified to say "CelOS 1 GNU/Linux", the "grub" folder in "Assets" has two files related to modifying grub.
The file called "grub" should be placed in /etc/default
The file called custom.cfg should be placed in /boot/grub
Along with this ubuntu.seed and grub.cfg were edited in the "seed" and "grub" pages of the Cubic editor.
The plymouth theme and GDM logo have been modified
/etc/os-release and /etc/lsb-release has been modified.
GDM was modified by using the default theme, to change it run update-alternatives --config gdm3-theme.gresource
A one-time startup script in the "Assets" folder called "" has been placed in /etc/profile.d/
If you are on an Ubuntu-based distribution we can recommend Cubic as a live-ISO editor, and what we are currently using to create the distribution via a chroot environment.
whyAdamSalt - Lead Developer
Rany2 (GitHub) - Contributing a bug fix so that /etc/profile.d/ does not require 777 permissions
! NOT-Guillem#8042 (Discord) - Contributing 2 wallpapers
Please join the Cob:web-Aclevo discord to talk to us and contribute to our projects:
- Screenshots are from CelOS 1-beta5
- Default login screen for CelOS 1
- CelOS with Dark theme (default) + Default wallpaper
- CelOS activities overview + Default wallpaper
- CelOS with Light theme + Alternate wallpaper
- CelOS activities overview + Alternate wallpaper