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Signed-off-by: Nathan Rebours <[email protected]>
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NathanReb committed Dec 8, 2023
1 parent 5a88d63 commit 772e458
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Showing 9 changed files with 290 additions and 67 deletions.
2 changes: 2 additions & 0 deletions
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Expand Up @@ -5,6 +5,8 @@
- Initial implementation of `ppx_deriving_dyn`
- Allow overriding the default `Dyn.t` converter for a given type or record
field via the `[@to_dyn ...]` attribute
- Allow ignoring parts of tuples, records or variant ars via the `[@ignore]`

### Changed

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83 changes: 80 additions & 3 deletions
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -52,9 +52,8 @@ val to_dyn : t Dyn.builder
+ `list`
+ `array`
+ `option`
- It uses `Dyn.pair` and `Dyn.triple` for tuples of the corresponding size
- Larger tuple types are converted using an inline
`(fun (x0, x1, x2, x3) -> Dyn.tuple [...])`
- Tuple types are converted using an inline
`(fun (x0, x1, x2, x3) -> Dyn.Tuple [...])`
- It uses `Dyn.record` for record types
- It uses `Dyn.variant` for variant and polymorphic variant types. Inline record
arguments are converted using `Dyn.record` as well.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -102,3 +101,81 @@ type t =
The attribute can be attached to a core type or record field and accepts
function identifier, partial function applications and anonymous functions as

#### `[@ignore]`

It can be used as `[@ignore]`, `[@to_dyn.ignore]` or
`[@ppx_deriving_dyn.to_dyn.ignore]` and allows you to exclude part of a tuple,
record or variant arguments from the output of derived `to_dyn` function.

For example, with the following type definition:
type t = int * (string[@ignore]) * bool
[@@deriving dyn]

The generated dyn converter will ignore the string element of the tuple and
return a `Dyn.t` value describing an `int * bool` pair. To clarify this a bit,
the generated code will look roughly like this:
let to_dyn (x0, _, x2) = Dyn.Tuple [ x0; Dyn.bool x2]

It can also be used to similarly ignore fields of a record:
type t =
{ field_a : int
; field_b : string [@ignore]
; field_c : bool
[@@deriving dyn]

which will produce the following dyn converter:
let to_dyn {field_a; field_b = _; field_c} =
[("field_a", ( field_a)); ("field_c", (Dyn.bool field_c))]

Finally, you can use it on sum type constructor or polymorphic variant's
type t =
| A of int * (string [@ignore])
[@@deriving dyn]

which will produce the following dyn converter:
let to_dyn = function
| A (x0, _) -> Dyn.variant "A" [ x0]

Note that you cannot ignore all elements of a tuple or all fields of a record
but you can ignore all arguments of a constructor, in which case the `to_dyn`
function will treat it as if it had no argument, e.g.:
type t =
| A of (int[@ignore])
[@@deriving dyn]

will derive:
let to_dyn = function
| A _ -> Dyn.variant "A" []

It is also worth noting that if you ignore all elements of a tuple but one,
the dyn converter will treat it as it was just that type and not as a tuple
anymore, e.g.:
type t = int * (string [@ignore])
[@@deriving dyn]

will derive:
let to_dyn (x0, _) = x0
33 changes: 33 additions & 0 deletions deriver/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -42,3 +42,36 @@ module To_dyn = struct
get_attr label_decl_attr label_declaration

module Ignore = struct
let name = "ppx_deriving_dyn.to_dyn.ignore"

let payload_pattern =
let open Ast_pattern in
pstr nil

let has_ignore attr ast =
(* TODO: Switch to Attribute.has_flag once it's released *)
match Attribute.get_res attr ast with
| Ok (Some ()) -> Ok true
| Ok None -> Ok false
| Error (err, _) ->
let loc = Location.Error.get_location err in
Error (Location.Error.to_extension err, loc)

let core_type_attr =
(* TODO: Switch to Attribute.declare_flag once it's released *)
Attribute.declare name Attribute.Context.core_type payload_pattern ()

let core_type ct = has_ignore core_type_attr ct

let label_decl_attr =
(* TODO: Switch to Attribute.declare_flag once it's released *)
Attribute.declare name Attribute.Context.label_declaration payload_pattern ()

let label_declaration ld = has_ignore label_decl_attr ld
11 changes: 11 additions & 0 deletions deriver/attr.mli
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -12,3 +12,14 @@ module To_dyn : sig
(** Return the user provided converter for the given record label, if any. *)
val from_label_declaration : label_declaration -> expression option

module Ignore : sig
(** Attribute to exclude record fields or tuple elements from the [Dyn.t]
value produced by the derived converter. *)

(** Return whether a core_type is to be ignored *)
val core_type : core_type -> (bool, extension * Location.t) result

(** Return whether a record label is to be ignored *)
val label_declaration : label_declaration -> (bool, extension * Location.t) result
4 changes: 4 additions & 0 deletions deriver/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -22,3 +22,7 @@ let unsupported_conjunctive_tag_arg ~loc =
"cannot derive to_dyn for polymorphic variant tag with conjunctive type argument."

let cannot_ignore_all_elements ~loc =
error_extensionf ~loc "you cannot mark all elements of a tuple or record with [@ignore]"
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions deriver/error.mli
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -7,3 +7,4 @@ val unsupported_type : loc:Location.t -> extension
val unsupported_gadt : loc:Location.t -> extension
val unsupported_rinherit : loc:Location.t -> extension
val unsupported_conjunctive_tag_arg : loc:Location.t -> extension
val cannot_ignore_all_elements : loc:Location.t -> extension
140 changes: 87 additions & 53 deletions deriver/
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Expand Up @@ -35,9 +35,13 @@ module Impl = struct

let tuple_pattern ~loc destructed =
let vars = (fun (name, _) -> Ast_builder.Default.pvar ~loc name) destructed
let elm_pattern (name, ct) =
match Attr.Ignore.core_type ct with
| Ok true -> Ast_builder.Default.ppat_any ~loc
| Ok false -> Ast_builder.Default.pvar ~loc name
| Error (extension, loc) -> Ast_builder.Default.ppat_extension ~loc extension
let vars = elm_pattern destructed in
Ast_builder.Default.ppat_tuple ~loc vars

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -65,25 +69,8 @@ module Impl = struct
| { ptyp_desc = Ptyp_var s; _ }, None ->
let pexp_ident = Ast_builder.Default.evar ~loc (to_dyn_name s) in
fun_or_applied ~loc ~f:pexp_ident expr_opt
| { ptyp_desc = Ptyp_tuple (([ _; _ ] | [ _; _; _ ]) as core_types); _ }, None ->
let size = List.length core_types in
let f = if size = 2 then [%expr Dyn.pair] else [%expr Dyn.triple] in
let to_dyn_args =
(fun core_type -> Nolabel, core_type_to_dyn ~loc ~core_type None)
let args =
match expr_opt with
| None -> to_dyn_args
| Some expr -> to_dyn_args @ [ Nolabel, expr ]
Ast_builder.Default.pexp_apply ~loc f args
| { ptyp_desc = Ptyp_tuple core_types; _ }, None ->
let destructed = destruct_tuple core_types in
let pat = tuple_pattern ~loc destructed in
let body = [%expr Dyn.Tuple [%e tuple_to_dyn_list ~loc destructed]] in
let to_dyn = [%expr fun [%p pat] -> [%e body]] in
let to_dyn = tuple_to_dyn ~loc core_types in
fun_or_applied ~loc ~f:to_dyn expr_opt
| { ptyp_desc = Ptyp_variant (row_fields, _, _); _ }, None ->
let to_dyn =
Expand All @@ -97,14 +84,30 @@ module Impl = struct (fun core_type -> Nolabel, core_type_to_dyn ~loc ~core_type None) type_params

and tuple_to_dyn_list ~loc destructed_tuple =
let to_dyn_list =
(fun (arg_name, core_type) ->
let arg = Ast_builder.Default.evar ~loc arg_name in
core_type_to_dyn ~loc ~core_type (Some arg))
let elm_expr (arg_name, core_type) =
match Attr.Ignore.core_type core_type with
| Ok true -> None
| Ok false ->
let arg = Ast_builder.Default.evar ~loc arg_name in
Some (core_type_to_dyn ~loc ~core_type (Some arg))
| Error (extension, loc) -> Some (Ast_builder.Default.pexp_extension ~loc extension)
Ast_builder.Default.elist ~loc to_dyn_list
List.filter_map elm_expr destructed_tuple

and tuple_to_dyn ~loc core_types =
let destructed = destruct_tuple core_types in
let pat = tuple_pattern ~loc destructed in
let to_dyn_list = tuple_to_dyn_list ~loc destructed in
let body =
match to_dyn_list with
| [] ->
(* tuple_to_dyn_list returned an empty list meaning all elements were
marked with [[@ignore]] *)
Ast_builder.Default.pexp_extension ~loc (Error.cannot_ignore_all_elements ~loc)
| [ one ] -> one
| l -> [%expr Dyn.Tuple [%e Ast_builder.Default.elist ~loc l]]
[%expr fun [%p pat] -> [%e body]]

and row_field_case ~loc { prf_desc; prf_loc; _ } =
let pc_lhs, pc_rhs =
Expand All @@ -120,11 +123,7 @@ module Impl = struct
let pc_rhs = variant_x_args ~loc ~variant_name:txt destructed in
pc_lhs, pc_rhs
| Rtag ({ txt; _ }, _, [ core_type ]) ->
let arg_name = String.uncapitalize_ascii txt in
let pat = Ast_builder.Default.pvar ~loc arg_name in
let pc_lhs = Ast_builder.Default.ppat_variant ~loc txt (Some pat) in
let pc_rhs = variant_one_arg ~loc ~arg_name ~variant_name:txt core_type in
pc_lhs, pc_rhs
variant_one_arg_case ~loc ~kind:`Polymorphic ~variant_name:txt core_type
| Rtag (_, _, _) ->
let pc_lhs =
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -154,37 +153,76 @@ module Impl = struct

and variant_x_args ~loc ~variant_name destructed_tuple =
let string_lit = Ast_builder.Default.estring ~loc variant_name in
[%expr Dyn.variant [%e string_lit] [%e tuple_to_dyn_list ~loc destructed_tuple]]
let args = tuple_to_dyn_list ~loc destructed_tuple in
[%expr Dyn.variant [%e string_lit] [%e Ast_builder.Default.elist ~loc args]]

(** Special case function for constructors with a single argument to avoid
emitting 1-uple patterns. *)
and variant_one_arg_case ~loc ~kind ~variant_name core_type =
let make_pat arg_pat =
match kind with
| `Polymorphic -> Ast_builder.Default.ppat_variant ~loc variant_name (Some arg_pat)
| `Regular ->
let lident = { txt = Lident variant_name; loc } in
Ast_builder.Default.ppat_construct ~loc lident (Some arg_pat)
match Attr.Ignore.core_type core_type with
| Ok true ->
let arg_pat = Ast_builder.Default.ppat_any ~loc in
let pc_lhs = make_pat arg_pat in
let pc_rhs = variant_no_arg ~loc ~variant_name in
pc_lhs, pc_rhs
| Ok false ->
let arg_name = String.uncapitalize_ascii variant_name in
let arg_pat = Ast_builder.Default.pvar ~loc arg_name in
let pc_lhs = make_pat arg_pat in
let pc_rhs = variant_one_arg ~loc ~arg_name ~variant_name core_type in
pc_lhs, pc_rhs
| Error (extension, loc) ->
let arg_pat = Ast_builder.Default.ppat_any ~loc in
let pc_lhs = make_pat arg_pat in
(* Embeds the error in the case right hand side *)
let pc_rhs = Ast_builder.Default.pexp_extension ~loc extension in
pc_lhs, pc_rhs

let destruct_record labels = (fun ({ pld_name = { txt; _ }; _ } as pld) -> txt, pld) labels

let record_pattern ~loc destructed_record =
let fields =
(fun (field_name, _) ->
{ txt = Lident field_name; loc }, Ast_builder.Default.pvar ~loc field_name)
let field_pat (field_name, pld) =
let lhs = { txt = Lident field_name; loc } in
let rhs =
match Attr.Ignore.label_declaration pld with
| Ok true -> Ast_builder.Default.ppat_any ~loc
| Ok false -> Ast_builder.Default.pvar ~loc field_name
| Error (extension, loc) -> Ast_builder.Default.ppat_extension ~loc extension
lhs, rhs
let fields = field_pat destructed_record in
Ast_builder.Default.ppat_record ~loc fields Closed

let record_field_to_dyn ~loc (txt, pld) =
let string_lit = Ast_builder.Default.estring ~loc txt in
let field_var = Ast_builder.Default.evar ~loc txt in
let user_provided_to_dyn = Attr.To_dyn.from_label_declaration pld in
let expr =
match user_provided_to_dyn with
| None -> core_type_to_dyn ~loc ~core_type:pld.pld_type (Some field_var)
| Some expr -> Ast_builder.Default.pexp_apply ~loc expr [ Nolabel, field_var ]
Ast_builder.Default.pexp_tuple ~loc [ string_lit; expr ]
match Attr.Ignore.label_declaration pld with
| Ok true -> None
| Ok false ->
let string_lit = Ast_builder.Default.estring ~loc txt in
let field_var = Ast_builder.Default.evar ~loc txt in
let user_provided_to_dyn = Attr.To_dyn.from_label_declaration pld in
let expr =
match user_provided_to_dyn with
| None -> core_type_to_dyn ~loc ~core_type:pld.pld_type (Some field_var)
| Some expr -> Ast_builder.Default.pexp_apply ~loc expr [ Nolabel, field_var ]
Some (Ast_builder.Default.pexp_tuple ~loc [ string_lit; expr ])
| Error (extension, loc) -> Some (Ast_builder.Default.pexp_extension ~loc extension)

let record_to_dyn ~loc destructed_record =
let fields = (record_field_to_dyn ~loc) destructed_record in
let fields = List.filter_map (record_field_to_dyn ~loc) destructed_record in
[%expr Dyn.record [%e Ast_builder.Default.elist ~loc fields]]

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -214,11 +252,7 @@ module Impl = struct
let pc_rhs = variant_no_arg ~loc ~variant_name:txt in
pc_lhs, pc_rhs
| None, Pcstr_tuple [ core_type ] ->
let arg_name = String.uncapitalize_ascii txt in
let pat = Ast_builder.Default.pvar ~loc arg_name in
let pc_lhs = Ast_builder.Default.ppat_construct ~loc longident_loc (Some pat) in
let pc_rhs = variant_one_arg ~loc ~variant_name:txt ~arg_name core_type in
pc_lhs, pc_rhs
variant_one_arg_case ~loc ~kind:`Regular ~variant_name:txt core_type
| None, Pcstr_tuple core_types ->
let destructed = destruct_tuple core_types in
let pat = tuple_pattern ~loc destructed in
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