Struct to more easy to use dirent.h.
Same to dirent get file and folder information.
Need dirent.h for work.
#include "dirent2.hpp"
// simple
struct dirent2 d2;
d2.scan("."); // scan '.' directory
d2.print(); // print all name in console
// advenced loop
for(int i=0;i<d2.nd;i++)
printf("\n%s is file",d2.Name_at(i).c_str());
printf("\n%s is directory",d2.Name_at(i).c_str());
struct dirent2
int nb=0;// number of all name found
void scan(std::string pstr);// scan dir path is pstr
void print();// print all in console
std::string Name_at(int id);// get string name at id
char Type_at(int id);// get char type at id --> 'f' file or 'd' dir