QTI-SDK 4.0.0
This major release focuses on the following aspects:
- Consolidated support of templateDefaults in tests with multiple testParts.
- Simplification of persistent storage mechanics.
- Possibility to retrieve all variables with File baseType involved in a given AssessmentTestSession object.
- Files bound to AssessmentTestSession objects are now properly deleted when their AssessmentTestSession is deleted from persistence.
- Eligible items are now selected on a testPart basis.
- New convenience methods on State class.
- ItemSessionControl's allowSkipping attribute implementation now aligned with the QTI specification family.
- QtiComponentIterator will not break anymore on components with no chlidren (thanks @stellalie !).
- Response Validity Constraints (minChoices, maxChoices, minAssociations, maxAssociations, patternMask, minString, maxString) are now checked when ending attempts, while ItemSessionControl's validateResponse attribute is in force.