Some Stuff I Made
Name | Info |
AutoPyInstaller | Automatic PyInstaller Wrapper |
CoolDownloader | Not working downloader for some stuff |
Cs.Rin.Ru Creator | Automatic Cs.Rin.Ru Info creator for a now defunct group "NightlyFox" |
FoxMovies | Automatic Movie Info creator for a now defunct group "NightlyFox" |
HonkInstall | Automatic Installer for GooseMod and OpenAsar |
PyInsider | Wrapper for Offline Insider Enroller with auto-updates and auto-unpacker |
whydiscord | Not working auto opener and closer of Discord for MAXIMUM APP TRAY! |
RAMDownloader | Fake / Joke RAM Downloader |
iSafe | Lists all your posts that have below a certian number of upvotes |
MixtapeHelper | A simple Discord bot that can quickly play songs from a directory and playlists, requires for the bot to accept prefixed commands and bot commands! |
PrismSwitcher | A quickly made editor for polymc's config to not make it poisoned / migrate it to prismlauncher |