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Merge pull request #239 from Donovan9617/editDg
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crvstalphua authored Nov 6, 2022
2 parents c511604 + c96468d commit e704dc9
Showing 1 changed file with 102 additions and 47 deletions.
149 changes: 102 additions & 47 deletions docs/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -238,22 +238,22 @@ Finally, the parsed arguments are passed into and returned in an instance of the
on which entity is added, which retrieves the respective entity list from the system, adds the entity into the list to update it, and have the UI display the updated filtered entity list.

#### Add Project Command
Compulsory prefixes: n/<valid name>
Optional prefixes: c/<valid client id>, r/<valid repository>, d/<valid deadline>
Example Use: `project -a n/John c/1 r/JohnDoe/tp d/2022-03-05`
Compulsory prefixes: n/VALID_NAME
Example Use: `project -a n/John c/1 r/JohnDoe/tp d/2022-03-05`

#### Add Issue Command
Compulsory prefixes: p/<valid project id>, t/<valid title>
Optional prefixes: d/<valid deadline> u/<valid urgency>
Example Use: `issue p/1 t/To create a person class which stores all relevant person data d/2022-12-10 u/0`
Compulsory prefixes: p/VALID_PROJECT_ID, t/VALID_TITLE
Optional prefixes: d/VALID_DEADLINE, u/VALID_URGENCY
Example Use: `issue p/1 t/To create a person class which stores all relevant person data d/2022-12-10 u/0`

#### Add Client Command
Compulsory prefixes: n/<valid name>, p/<valid project id>
Optional prefixes: m/<valid mobile number>, e/<valid email>
Example Use: `client -a n/John Doe m/98765432 e/[email protected] p/1`
Compulsory prefixes: n/VALID_NAME, p/VALID_PROJECT_ID
Example Use: `client -a n/John Doe m/98765432 e/[email protected] p/1`

#### The following sequence diagram shows how the add command operation works for adding a project entity:
Example: `project -a n/John c/1 r/JohnDoe/tp d/2022-03-05`
Example: `project -a n/Team Project`


Expand All @@ -264,13 +264,13 @@ should end at destroy marker (X) but due to a limitation of PlantUML, the lifeli

#### Design considerations:

**Aspect: Add command access to the model: **
**Aspect: Add command access to the model:**

**Alternative 1: (current choice)** Only `AddProjectCommand:execute`, `IssueCommandParser:execute` and `ClientCommandParser:execute` have access to the Model.
* Pros: No coupling between Parser class and Model class.
* Cons: Mappings could not be performed within the parser.
**Alternative 2: ** Refactor `ProjectCommandParser:parseAddProjectCommand`, `IssueCommandParser:parseAddIssueCommand` and `ClientCommandParser:parseAddClientCommand` to have access to the Model.

**Alternative 2:** Refactor `ProjectCommandParser:parseAddProjectCommand`, `IssueCommandParser:parseAddIssueCommand` and `ClientCommandParser:parseAddClientCommand` to have access to the Model.
* Pros: Mappings could be performed within the parser which fitted its responsibility.
* Cons: May result in extra coupling between Parser class and Model class.

Expand All @@ -294,24 +294,24 @@ on which entity is deleted, which retrieves the respective entity list from the
list to update it, and have the UI display the updated filtered entity list.

#### Delete Project Command
Compulsory prefix: p/<valid project id>
Example Use: `project -d 1`
Compulsory prefix: p/VALID_PROJECT_ID
Example Use: `project -d 1`

#### Delete Issue Command
Compulsory prefix: i/<valid issue id>
Example Use: `issue -d 2`
Compulsory prefix: i/VALID_ISSUE_ID
Example Use: `issue -d 2`

#### Delete Client Command
Compulsory prefix: p/<valid client id>
Example Use: `client -d 3`
Compulsory prefix: c/VALID_CLIENT_ID
Example Use: `client -d 3`

#### The following sequence diagram shows how the delete command operation works for adding a project entity:
#### The following sequence diagram shows how the delete command operation works for deleting a client entity:
Example: `client -d 1`


<div markdown="span" class="alert alert-info">
:information_source: **Note:** The lifeline for `AddProjectCommand`
:information_source: **Note:** The lifeline for `DeleteClientCommand`
should end at destroy marker (X) but due to a limitation of PlantUML, the lifeline reaches the end of diagram.

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -342,19 +342,19 @@ Finally, the parsed arguments are passed into and returned in an instance of the
which entity is edited, which retrieves the respective entity from its entity list in the system, edits the fields of the entity, updates it, and have the UI display the updated filtered entity list.

#### Edit Project Command
Compulsory prefix: p/<valid project id>
Optional prefixes (at least one to be included): n/<valid name>, c/<valid client id>, r/<valid repository>, d/<valid deadline>
Example Use: `project -e p/1 n/Jeff c/1 r/Jeffrey/tp d/2022-07-05`
Compulsory prefix: p/VALID_PROJECT_ID
Optional prefixes (at least one to be included): n/VALID_NAME, c/VALID_CLIENT_ID, r/VALID_REPOSITORY, d/VALID_DEADLINE
Example Use: `project -e p/1 n/Jeff c/1 r/Jeffrey/tp d/2022-07-05`

#### Edit Issue Command
Compulsory prefix: i/<valid issue id>
Optional prefixes (at least one to be included): t/<valid title>, d/<valid deadline>, u/<valid urgency>
Example Use: `issue -e i/1 t/To edit issue command d/2022-04-09 u/1`
Compulsory prefix: i/VALID_ISSUE_ID
Optional prefixes (at least one to be included): t/VALID_TITLE, d/VALID_DEADLINE, u/VALID_URGENCY
Example Use: `issue -e i/1 t/To edit issue command d/2022-04-09 u/1`

#### Edit Client Command
Compulsory prefix: c/<valid client id>
Optional prefixes (at least one to be included): n/<valid name>, m/<valid mobile number>, e/<valid email>, p/<valid project id>
Example Use: `client -e c/1 n/BenTen m/12345678 e/[email protected] p/1`
Compulsory prefix: c/VALID_CLIENT_ID
Optional prefixes (at least one to be included): n/VALID_NAME, m/VALID_MOBILE_NUMBER, e/VALID_EMAIL, p/VALID_PROJECT_ID
Example Use: `client -e c/1 n/BenTen m/12345678 e/[email protected] p/1`

#### The following sequence diagram shows how the edit command operation works for editing an issue entity:
Example: `issue -e i/1 t/To edit issue command d/2022-04-09 u/1`
Expand All @@ -380,6 +380,44 @@ Within `EditProjectCommand#execute`, `EditIssueCommand#execute` and `EditClientC

As logic should be handled in the parser and to minimise modifications of the entity list (which could affect entity IDs), Alternative 1 was chosen as the current design for editing the fields of the entity.

### Sort Feature

The sort feature sorts the entities in their respective entity lists in the Model according to a specified `key` and `order`. The View pulls the new entity lists from the Model and displays them. Upon the execution of
either a `SortProjectCommand`, `SortIssueCommand` or `SortClientCommand`, the `AddressBook#sortXXXByYYY()` is invoked (where XXX is the `entity` and YYY is the `key` to be sorted by) which obtains the entity class's
modifiable `ObservableList` as imported from the JavaFX collections, and calls its `sorted()` method that, depending on the specified `order`, takes in a comparator function specifying how to sort the entities.

#### Sort Project Command
Keys (exactly one key to be included): p, d, i, n
Orders (exactly one order to be included): 0, 1
General Form: `project -s KEY/ORDER`
Example Use: `project -s d/0`

#### Sort Issue Command
Keys (exactly one key to be included): i, d, u
Orders (exactly one order to be included): 0, 1
General Form: `issue -s KEY/ORDER`
Example Use: `issue -s u/1`

#### Sort Client Command
Keys (exactly one key to be included): c, n
Orders (exactly one order to be included): 0, 1
General Form: `client -s KEY/ORDER`
Example Use: `client -s c/1`

#### Design considerations:

**Aspect: How sorted entities are stored in the Model:**

* **Alternative 1 (current choice):** Sort entities directly on their original entity lists. After `SortProjectCommand`, `SortIssueCommand` or `SortClientCommand`, the original entity list gets manipulated and is rendered to the View.
* Pros: Saves lots of space
* Cons: Sort commands manipulate the original entity list in order to change the display on view

* **Alternative 2:** Maintain a separate sorted entity list for each entity and their purpose is to store each entity in their sorted order. After `SortProjectCommand`, `SortIssueCommand` or `SortClientCommand`, the respective sorted entity list gets manipulated and is rendered to the View.
* Pros: The original entity lists will not be affected by manipulations made through sorting in order to change the display on view
* Cons: To maintain such a sorted entity list for Project, Issue and Client will take up considerable space

Alternative 1 was chosen because it saves space when sorting entities. The command to set default view of each entity helped overcome the cons of directly manipulating of the original list. This meant rebooting the app removed the previous entity sort order and revert to the default order.

### Pin Feature

The pin mechanism is facilitated by `AddressBook`. It contains a `UniqueEntityList` for each entity type. Upon the execution of either a `PinProjectCommand`, `PinClientCommand` or `PinIssueCommand`, the following operations are carried out:
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -903,23 +941,6 @@ testers are expected to do more *exploratory* testing.

3. _{ more test cases …​ }_

### Deleting a person

1. Deleting a person while all persons are being shown

1. Prerequisites: List all persons using the `list` command. Multiple persons in the list.

2. Test case: `delete 1`<br>
Expected: First contact is deleted from the list. Details of the deleted contact shown in the status message. Timestamp in the status bar is updated.

3. Test case: `delete 0`<br>
Expected: No person is deleted. Error details shown in the status message. Status bar remains the same.

4. Other incorrect delete commands to try: `delete`, `delete x`, `...` (where x is larger than the list size)<br>
Expected: Similar to previous.

2. _{ more test cases …​ }_

### Listing an entity

1. Listing an entity while any list of entities is currently being shown
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -954,6 +975,40 @@ testers are expected to do more *exploratory* testing.
5. Other incorrect default view commands to try: `client view`, `client -dv`, `...` <br>
Expected: Similar to previous.

### Adding an entity

1. Adding an entity while any list of entities is being shown

1. Test case: `project -a n/Home Project`<br>
Expected: project with name 'Home Project' is added to project list. View of project list is shown.

2. Test case: `issue -s t/Has bugs p/1`<br>
Expected: issue with title 'Has bugs' is added to issue list. View of issue list is shown.

3. Test case: `client -a n/John Doe p/1`<br>
Expected: client with name 'John Doe' is added to client list. View of client list is shown.

4. Incorrect add commands for `project` entity: `project -a`, `project -a r/Project/Home`, `project -a n/Project d/x` where x improperly formatted, `project -a n/Project y/` where y is an invalid prefix
Expected: No adding occurs. Error details shown in the status message. Status bar remains the same.

### Sorting an entity

1. Sorting an entity while any list of entities is being shown

1. Prerequisites: Optional parameters of various entities have values.

2. Test case: `project -s d/1`<br>
Expected: projects sorted in reverse chronological order. View of project list is shown.

3. Test case: `issue -s u/1`<br>
Expected: issues sorted in descending levels of urgency. View of issue list is shown.

4. Test case: `client -s n/0`<br>
Expected: clients sorted in alphabetical order of names. View of client list is shown.

5. Incorrect sort commands for `project` entity: `project -s`, `project -s d/x` where x is not 0 or 1, `project -s y/0` where y is not a valid key, `project -s i/0 i/1 d/0`. Same for entities `issue` and `client`.<br>
Expected: No sorting occurs. Error details shown in the status message. Status bar remains the same.

### Pinning an entity

1. Pinning an entity while any list of entities is being shown
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