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A (tiny) framework for mocking up server-side persistence / processing for Backbone.js


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Backbone Faux Server

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A (tiny) framework for mocking up server-side persistence / processing for Backbone.js

Define any number of routes that map <model-URL, sync-method> pairs to custom handlers (callbacks). Faux-server overrides (is a drop-in replacement of) Backbone's native sync so that whenever a Model (or Collection) is synced and its URL along with the sync method being used form a pair that matches a defined route, the route's handler is invoked. Implement handlers in JS to test the expected behaviour of your app, work with dummy data, support persistence using local-storage, etc. When & if you choose to move to a real server, switching back to Backbone's native, ajax-based sync is as simple as calling fauxServer.enable(false).

Backbone faux server (henceforth 'BFS') grew out of the author's need to quickly flesh out Backbone prototype apps without having to fiddle with a server, a DB, or anything else that would require more than a JS script. Similar solutions exist for this (such as Backbone localStorage Adapter) but they deviate from (or at least obscure) Backbone's opinion of Model URLs, REST and their interdependence. Additionally, BFS doesn't implement some specific persistence scheme but only provides hooks for your own custom processing / persistence scheme, facilitating the handling of POSTs, GETs, PUTs and DELETEs per resource (Model or Collection URL). Functionality written this way, may be ported to the server-side in a very straightforward manner.

Set up

git clone git:// or npm install backbone-faux-server to get up and running. BFS will be exposed as a Global, a CommonJS module or an AMD module depending on the detected environment.

  • When developing for the browser, without an AMD module loader, include backbone-faux-server.js after backbone.js:

    <script type="text/javascript" src="backbone.js"></script>
    <script type="text/javascript" src="backbone-faux-server.js"></script>

    and the module will be exposed as the global fauxServer:

    console.log("fauxServer version: " + fauxServer.getVersion());
  • require when working with CommonJS (e.g. Node). Assuming BFS is npm installed:

    var fauxServer = require("backbone-faux-server");
    console.log("fauxServer version: " + fauxServer.getVersion());

    (see Caveats for issues related to npm installing Backbone along with BFS)

  • Or list as a dependency when working with an AMD loader (e.g. require.js):

    // Your module
    define(["backbone-faux-server"], function (fauxServer) {
    	console.log("fauxServer version: " + fauxServer.getVersion());

    (in this case you may want to use AMD-compliant versions of Backbone and Underscore)


Define Backbone Models and Collections as you normally would:

var Book = Backbone.Model.extend({
	defaults: {
		title: "Unknown title",
		author: "Unknown author"
var Books = Backbone.Collection.extend({
	model: Book,
	url: "library-app/books"

Note that the url property is used, as it would in any scenario involving a remote resource.

Continue by defining routes, to handle Model syncing as needed. Every route defines a mapping from a Model(or Collection)-URL & sync-method (an HTTP verb (POST, GET, PUT, PATCH, DELETE)) to some specific handler (callback):

<model-URL, sync-method> → handler

For example, to handle the creation of a Book (Books.create(..)), define a route that maps the <"library-app/books", "POST"> pair to a handler, like so:

fauxServer.addRoute("createBook", "library-app/books", "POST", function (context) {
	// Every handler receives a 'context' parameter. Use (a hash of Book attributes)
	//  to create the Book entry in your persistence layer. Return attributes of created Book.
	//  Something along the lines of: = newId(); // You'll probably want to assign an id to the new book
	books.push(;  // Save to persistence layer

The "createBook" parameter simply defines a name for the route. The URL parameter, "library-app/books", is pretty straightforward in the preceding example - it's the URL of the Books Collection. Note however that the URL may (and usually will) be specified as a matching expression, similarly to Backbone routes: URL-expressions may contain parameter parts, :param, which match a single URL component between slashes; and splat parts *splat, which can match any number of URL components. The values captured by params and splats will be passed as extra parameters to the given handler method. Regular expressions may also be used, in which case all values captured by reg-exp capturing groups will be passed as extra parameters to the handler method.

Define more routes to handle updating, reading and deleting Models. The addRoutes method is used below to define routes to handle all actions (create, read, update and delete) for the preceding Book example:

	createBook: {
		urlExp: "library-app/books",
		httpMethod: "POST",
		handler: function (context) {
			// Create book using attributes in
			// Save to persistence layer
			// Return attributes of newly created book
	readBooks: {
		urlExp: "library-app/books",
		httpMethod: "GET",
		handler: function (context) {
			// Return array of stored book attributes
	readBook: {
		urlExp: "library-app/books/:id",
		httpMethod: "GET",
		handler: function (context, bookId) {
			// Return attributes of stored book with id 'bookId'
	updateBook: {
		urlExp: "library-app/books/:id",
		httpMethod: "PUT",
		handler: function (context, bookId) {
			// Update stored book with id 'bookId', using attributes in
			// Return updated attributes
	deleteBook: {
		urlExp: "library-app/books/:id",
		httpMethod: "DELETE",
		handler: function (context, bookId) {
			// Delete stored book of id 'bookId'

Route names can be useful for querying and / or removing earlier defined routes. However, this is often unecessary and route names may be skipped in most declarations. (They're mandatory as keys when passing a hash of routes to addRoutes.) Coming back to the earlier "createBook" example, the route name may be skipped like so:

fauxServer.addRoute("library-app/books", "POST", function (context) {
	// Create book ..

Moreover, faux-server exposes get, post, put, del and patch methods as shortcuts for calling addRoute with a specific httpMethod. Thus, the preceding POST-route addition may be rewritten as"library-app/books", function (context) {
	// Create book ..

Similarly, an alternative, more compact syntax for the preceding addRoutes example would be:

	.post("library-app/books", function (context) {
		// Create book using attributes in
		// Save to persistence layer
		// Return attributes of newly created book

	}).get("library-app/books", function (context) {
		// Return array of stored book attributes

	}).get("library-app/books/:id", function (context, bookId) {
		// Return attributes of stored book with id 'bookId'

	}).put("library-app/books/:id", function (context, bookId) {
		// Update stored book with id 'bookId', using attributes in
		// Return updated attributes

	}).del("library-app/books/:id", function (context, bookId) {
		// Delete stored book of id 'bookId'


The QUnit test suite may be run in a browser (test/index.html) or on the command line, by running make test or npm test. The command line version runs on Node and depends on node-qunit (npm install to fetch it before testing).


The following list, while not exhaustive, includes all essential parts of the BFS API. The ommitted bits are there to aid testing and fascilitate fancy stuff you probably won't ever need. Further insight may be gained by taking a look at the test suite and - of course - the source.


All methods return the faux-server instance and may be chained, unless otherwise noted.

addRoute ([name], urlExp, [httpMethod], [handler])

Add a route to the faux-server. Every route defines a mapping from a Model(or Collection)-URL & sync-method (an HTTP verb (POST, GET, PUT, PATCH or DELETE)) to some specific handler (callback):

<model-URL, sync-method> → handler

Whenever a Model is created, read, updated or deleted, its URL and the the sync method being used are tested against defined routes in order to find a handler for creating, reading, updating or deleting this Model. The same applies to reading Collections: Whenever a Collection is read, its URL (and the 'read' method) will be tested against defined routes in order to find a handler for reading it. When a match for the <model-URL, sync-method> pair is not found among defined routes, the native sync is invoked (this behaviour may be overriden - see fauxServer.setDefaultHandler). Later routes take precedence over earlier routes so in configurations where multiple routes match, the one most recently defined will be used.

  • name: Name of this route. Optional. A named route may be queried and / or removed by its name (see getRoute / removeRoute) and will replace an earlier defined route of same name.

  • urlExp: An expression against which, Model(or Collection)-URLs will be tested. This is syntactically and functionally analogous to Backbone routes: urlExps may contain parameter parts, :param, which match a single URL component between slashes; and splat parts *splat, which can match any number of URL components. Parentheses may also be used to denote optional parts. The values captured by params and splats will be passed as parameters to the given handler method. Regular expressions may also be used, in which case all values captured by reg-exp capturing groups will be passed as parameters to the given handler method.

  • httpMethod: The sync method, (an HTTP verb (POST, GET, PUT, PATCH or DELETE)), that should trigger the route's handler. Both the URL-expression and the method should match for the handler to be invoked. httpMethod may also be set to '*' or ommitted to create a match-all-methods handler: One that will be invoked whenever urlExp matches the model's (or collection's) URL regardless of method. In the scope of a match-all-methods handler, the HTTP method currently being handled may be acquired by querying the context parameter for context.httpMethod. Note that when Backbone.emulateHTTP is set to true or emulateHTTP is passed as an inline option during sync, 'create', 'update', 'patch' and 'delete' will all be mapped to POST. In this case context.httpMethod will be set to POST and the true HTTP method being handled may be acquired by querying context.httpMethodOverride.

  • handler: The handler to be invoked when both route's URL-expression and route's method match. A do-nothing handler will be used if one is not provided. The handler's expected signature is

    function (context, [param1, [param2, ...]])

    where context contains properties data, httpMethod, httpMethodOverride, route and param1, param2, ... are parameters derived by matching the urlExp to the Model (or Collection) URL. Specifically, about context properties:

    • Attributes of the Model (or Collection) being proccessed. Valid only on 'create' (POST), 'update' (PUT) or 'patch' (PATCH). In the specific case of PATCH, may only contain a subset of Model's attributes.
    • context.httpMethod: The HTTP Method (POST, GET, PUT, PATCH or DELETE) that is currently being handled.
    • context.url: The URL that is currently being handled.
    • context.httpMethodOverride: The true HTTP method (POST, GET, PUT, PATCH or DELETE) that is currently being handled when Backbone.emulateHTTP is set to true. The equivalent of Backbone's X-HTTP-Method-Override header.
    • context.route: The route that is currently being handled.

    On success, the handler should return created Model attributes after handling a POST and updated Model attributes after handling a PUT or PATCH. Return Model attributes after handling a GET or an array of Model attributes after handling a GET that refers to a collection. Note that only attributes that have been changed on the server (and should be updated on the client) need to be included in returned hashes. Return nothing after handling a DELETE. On failure, the handler should return a string (presumably a custom error messsage, an HTTP status code that indicates failure, etc).

<httpMethod> ([name], urlExp, [handler])

get, post, put, del and patch methods which act as shortcuts for calling addRoute with a specific httpMethod. See addRoute above for parameter descriptions and further details.

addRoutes (routes)

Add multiple routes to the faux-server.

  • routes: A hash or array of routes to add. Each route is itself a hash with name, urlExp, httpMethod and handler attributes. As is the case with addRoute, the only attribute whose presence is mandatory is urlExp. Note that when passing a hash of routes, its keys are treated as route names and the name attribute should be ommitted.

removeRoute (name)

Remove the route of given name.

  • name: Name of route to remove.

removeRoutes ()

Remove all defined routes.

getRoute (name)

Get route of given name.

  • name: Name of route to acquire.
  • returns: Route of given name or null if no such route exists. Note that the returned route is a copy and cannot be modified to alter faux-server's behaviour.

setDefaultHandler ([handler])

Set a handler to be invoked when no route is matched to the current <model-URL, sync-method> pair. This will override the default behaviour of invoking the native sync.

  • handler: A handler to be invoked when no route is found that matches a given <model-URL, sync-method> pair. Ommit the parameter to reset to the default behaviour. See addRoute for handler's signature and semantics. Note that a default-handler isn't part of a route, so the context.route parameter will not be valid.

setLatency (min, [max])

Set server's emulated latency (zero by default)

  • min: Server's emulated latency in ms. Interpreted as the minimum of a range when a max value is provided. Ommitting will set to 0.
  • max: Maximum server latency in ms. Specifying this will cause syncing to occur with a random latency in the [min, max] range.

enable ([shouldEnable])

Enable or disable the faux-server. When disabled, syncing is performed by the native Backbone sync method. Handy for easily toggling between mock / real server.

  • shouldEnable: Indicates whether to enable or disable. Set to true or ommit to enable the faux-server, set to false to disable.

getVersion ()

Get the faux-server version

noConflict ()

Run in no-conflict mode, setting the global fauxServer variable to to its previous value. Only useful when working in a browser environment without a module-framework as this is the only case where fauxServer is exposed globally. Returns a reference to the faux-server.

Caveats / WTF

  • When developing for Node, using npm for dependency management, be sure to npm install backbone before npm installing BFS. The opposite will cause BFS to fail due to Node's module caching caveats.
  • npm installing with the --dev switch will fail due to node-qunit quirk. As a solution, npm install qunit before installing other devDependencies.
  • The current version of BFS is tested against and intended to work with Backbone 1.0. Check out BFS v0.7.0 if you need to work with a previous version (such as 0.9.10).


Licensed and freely distributed under the MIT License (LICENSE.txt).

Copyright (c) 2012-2013 Alex Lambiris


A (tiny) framework for mocking up server-side persistence / processing for Backbone.js







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