Shell Sessions of KOTH Players From Packet Captures
- Initially has problems with a shared library from /etc/ not being found.
- Downloads a script called from a web server and pipe it to bash. The script errors and appears to download additional files from the web server.
- Disables loading kernel modules using /proc/sys/kernel/modules_disabled
- Attempts to run file called, but program crashes.
- Attempts to run an exploit
- exits
- does an ls of /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/, but system returns no such file or directory
- does an ls of /dev/shm/.pulse-shm and copies the file to current directory
- starts a python http server and then kills it
- process list x 2
- lists current directory (/root)
- echoes a into king.txt
- runs dmesg, which gives no visible output
- switches to root's .ssh directory and makes authorized_keys file immutable using what appears to be a custom chattr program
- cats out authorized_keys, which contains one key
- starts a bash while loop that removes the immutable attribute from king.txt and echoes a into king.txt
- runs w command
- does a ls
- does a ss of listening tcp sockets
- restarts systemd koth service
- process list
- more ls's chattr's...
- cats root's .bashrc, which has 3 different reverse shell commands at the end
- exits
- Changes root password to "Wildinsect" (username of one of the players at the time)
- visudo (fails without a pty)
- does ls of /home
- reattempts visudo (fails again)
- runs /bin/bash and help output from nc appears (most likely due to a netcat reverse shell backdoor in root's .bashrc)
- uses python to get pty
- exits pty
- ls of /home and /home/bunny
- changes root password again to same value as before
- more ls's
- runs nano on server.js (fails since he doesn't have a pty)
- runs a bash while loop to echo "WildInsect" into /root/king.txt
- reverse shell starts
- error output from nc (due to netcat backdoor in root's .bashrc)
- adds immutable and append only attributes to king.txt using custom chattr-like tool
- cats root.txt and /home/bunny/user.txt
- adds attributes to king.txt again
- ls
- cats king.txt which has the contents: MatheuZSec
- ls of /
- runs tty
- starts while loop that echoes "WildInsect" (a player's username) into /root/king.txt
- the remainder is error output from the while loop
- runs a ps
- runs who (2 users are logged in. root and jordan)
- user runs pkill -9 -t pts/2
- text appears in shell output: can't kick me off that easily buddy
- ls of /
- runs w (user jordan is logged in)
- cats /dev/pts/0 > /dev/null
- runs ps
- curls with an extra argument (/tmp/ curl outputs a shell script and throws an error that the other url is malformed
- reruns curl same curl, redirecting stdout to /tmp/
- switches to /tmp directory
- echo $$
- runs downloaded shell script: ./ -hide /proc/2370. mount throws error.
- ls /root
- cats /root/king.txt. Has contents: "M3chanical" (username of a player)
- uses passwd to change root password to staff
- runs mount
- an error from previous cat /dev/pts/0... command is output: cat: /dev/pts/0: Resource temporarily unavailable
- runs ps
- which mount (returns /bin/mount)
- does ls -l of /bin/mount
- does ls -la of /bin, grepping for mount
- switches to /tmp/.ump and does a ls -a. a file ( is present.
- does ls -a of /tmp/disk: contents: . .. disk.tar.pull.enc
- cats /etc/ssh and gets error that specified file is a directory
- cats /etc/ssh/sshd_config
- does w and ps
- runs umount /proc/* (umount throws errors that the directories are not mounted)
- does ps
- runs kill -9 3264 (pid 3264: ./rsyslog)
- runs kill -9 3694 (pid 3694: /bin/sh -c ./rsyslog)
- Make descriptions for all sessions