yalt4node - yet another library template for nodejs
npm i -g yalt4node
yalt4node generate lib
? Lib name (use camelCase or kebab-case => will be transformed to kebab-case) my super lib
? Enter your github username nriesco
⠼ 2/3 Installing...
Happy coding!
This will result in a directory (my-super-lib
) with this structure:
├── .nyc_output
| └── ...
├── cloud_function
| └── index.js
| └── index.html
| └── index.html
| └── ...
├── dist
| └── .create
| └── COVERAGE.md
| └── DOCS.md
├── node_modules
| └── ...
├── src
| └── index.js
├── test
| └── index.js
├── .eslintrc.js
├── .gcloudignore.js
├── .gitignore.js
├── .mocharc.js
├── .npmignore.js
├── cloudbuild.yaml
├── index.js
├── nyc.config.js
├── package-lock.json
├── package.json
├── README.md
└── webpack.config.js
Try open coverage/index.html
and navigate that local site.
Also dist/COVERAGE.md
and dist/DOCS.md
are generated, they are (so far) fully compatible with vuepress and vuepress flowchart plugin.
DOCS.md will look like this:
And COVERAGE.md will look like this:
- JSDocs: https://jsdoc.app
- Vuepress: https://vuepress.vuejs.org
- Vuepress flowchart plugin: https://github.com/ulivz/vuepress-plugin-flowchart
- jsdoc2vuepress: https://github.com/nriesco/jsdoc2vuepress