A uml diagram generator using kodyfire.
Make sure you have kodyfire-cli intalled globally.
npm i -g kodyfire-cli
Add uml-kodyfire as an npm dependency to your project
npm i -s uml-kodyfire
In order to generate your artifacts, run the generate
command. The syntax is kody generate|g [kody] [concept]
. If you ommit kody
and concept
the assistant will prompt you to select them. As an example, run the following command from your terminal:
kody generate react component
Refer to the kodyfire generate your artifact section
npm i -s uml-kodyfire
Once you are ready to run your definition file, generate your uml's using:
kody run -s uml-kody.json
- Class diagrams (basic)
- Use Case diagrams (basic)
- Sequence diagrams (In progress)
- Acitivity diagram (In progress)
Copyright © 2022 Anis Marrouchi.
This project is MIT licensed.
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