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Releases: nmervaillie/neo4j-db-copy

Release 1.0.0

30 Aug 17:34
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ec550aa Add release automation
8b545b0 Increase batch size and serialize rels writing
b6f1556 Add progress bars
487ea68 Add CI status badge in readme
18f51b6 Fix issue with CI
c123663 Add maven logging for jar building diagnostics
7856238 Add GH CI setup
d240e6c Add proper test infrastructure using testcontainers
2de4bd9 Add ability to lock the source database while copying the data
8791c3e Class renaming
e1a867e Upgrade dependencies
2ec3346 Add options to filter properties on copy
e1242b1 Improve the source to target node id mapping
a1c8637 Remove blocking behaviors and code cleanup
f993f1f Bump ch.qos.logback:logback-classic from 1.4.5 to 1.4.12
6a41885 Update to latest driver and non deprecated api. (#1)
4c2fad2 Add basic readme, build instructions and usage
0632d0c Package the binary as an all-in-one executable
efa6e68 Properly ignore IDE files for git
31f211c Close drivers after copy
81ef369 Add CLI to trigger the copy
6c21e9e Add some basic database copy code
0e82ecc Initial commit