Computes monthly payments for a Dutch mortgage loan 🏡 💶.
See it in action here.
To install:
npm install
To start in dev-mode:
npm start
To build:
npm run build
To deploy (after commit):
npm run deploy
Known issues:
round hypotheekbedrag and woz to 500 precision
round interest to 0.05% precision
round hypotheekvorm to 5% precision
manual input of interest rates should accept e.g. 3.5 instead of 0.035
chart should appear at the top on smaller screen sizes, not on the bottom
eigenwoningforfait does not update when changing WOZ waarde
linear/annuity interest rates re-appear after hiding them, without touching the hypotheekvorm slider
overlap of input and slider on smaller screen sizes
reset button should be on top of the input field / blocks slider
no left margin on small screen
chart does not resize on smaller screens
Nice to haves:
add tests
compute optimal linear/annuity mix
Inspired by the buy-or-rent calculator, published by the New York Times in 2014.
Build on D3.js. The author's many examples proved a valuable resource. Amongst others: bisect mouseover.
The icon is created by Madebyoliver and published on Flaticon and licenced under CC 3.0 BY.