A tool for generative composition producing monophonic phrases, organized into parts and influenced by probability sequences. "Tool" is stressed here because its aim is to be playable in a live context.
Configure via .compose
files or related messages to give a basic musical frame:
loop, cycles: 8
A major, bars: 4
E minor, bars: 2
F minor, bars: 2
G# major, bars: 4
Instruct the Player
object to emit a stream of MIDI events. The Player
object holds two probability sequences which can be altered in real time to influence which musical event (note, accent, rest) will be played next.
Example configration:
func playFlutyMelody(output: MIDIOutput?) -> Void {
// Make a sheet
let aMinPent = Part(root: Note(69), scale: scales["pent-min"]!, length: 16)
let dMinPent = Part(root: Note(62), scale: scales["pent-min"]!, length: 16)
let cMajPent = Part(root: Note(60), scale: scales["pent-maj"]!, length: 16)
let fMajPent = Part(root: Note(53), scale: scales["pent-maj"]!, length: 16)
let sheetMelo = Sheet(parts: [aMinPent, dMinPent, cMajPent, fMajPent])
// Give it to the player
var player = Player(sheet: sheetMelo)
// Instruct the player
player.behavior.favoredNoteLength = .Eighth
player.behavior.noteOrRestProbabiltySeq = [0.5, 0.5]
let allowedRests: [Duration] = [.Eighth, .Quarter]
let allowedRestsProbs: [Probability] = [0.7, 0.3 ]
// Generate the melody
let melody = player.generateMelodyFromSheet(allowedRest: allowedRests,
restProbs: allowedRestsProbs)
// Play the melody
for event in melody.events {
sendWithRandomVelocity(melodyEvent: event, sendTo: output, tempo: 60)