- User (manager) should be able to sign up.
- User (manager) should be able to get an email after sign up (register) for account verification
- User (manager) should be able to login.
- User (manager) should be able to get email link for reset password (with Token).
- User (manager) should be able to reset password.
- User (manager) should be able to create an employee account.
- User (employee) should be able to get an email after being registered
- User (manager) should be able to edit an employee account.
- User (manager) should be able to activate an employee.
- User (manager) should be able to deactivate an employee.
- User (manager) should be able to search an employee by names, position, email or phone number
- User (manager) should be able to delete an employee.
- User (manager) should be able to deactivate an employee.
- User (manager) should be able to sign out
- System should be able to record system logs like login, logout and password reset
Documentation, find it HERE