EIEI Generic Modular AI Response APIDocumentation
This documentation outlines thearchitecture and workflow of the EIEI Generic Modular AI Response API. This APIis designed to facilitate communication between various messaging platforms andan AI service. The system is capable of processing different types of input(text, audio, image) and is easily adaptable to changes in external serviceproviders.
Workflow Description
The application workflow encompassesseveral steps, from message reception to response dispatch. It utilizes awebhook for message reception and employs scripts for processing and databaseinteraction.
Workflow Steps
1. Message Reception
- Bot Receives Message via Webhook: Messages from the messaging platform are received through a webhook, which forwards the data to the application's API.
2. Message Processing
- Conversion to Generic Format: Received messages are converted from the platform-specific format to a generic format suitable for AI processing.
3. Input Type Handling
Text: Directly stored in the database.
Audio: Transcribed to text and stored.
Image: Converted to a descriptive text and stored.
4. Database Operations
- Storage of Text and Metadata: Both the text and the type of input are stored in the database, along with relevant metadata.
5. Outgoing Message Processing
Regular Checks for New Messages: A background process checks the database every 5 seconds for new messages.
Creation of JSON Payload: New messages trigger the creation of a JSON payload, containing all necessary information for AI processing.
6. Response Generation and Dispatch
Communication with AI Service: The payload is sent to an AI service, which generates a response.
Delivery of Response: The AI-generated response is sent back to the user through the messaging platform.
Database Schema
Message Table (tbl_200_messages)
pk_messages_ID: Primary key (sequential)
channel: Source of the message (e.g., "TELEGRAM", "WHATSAPP")
bot_id, chat_id: Identifiers from the channel system
type: Type of the original message (AUDIO/TEXT/IMAGE)
role: Creator of the record (HUMAN/BOT)
content_text: The message, transcription, or image description
file_id: File identifier from the channel system
message_timestamp: Timestamp of message reception or sending
update_id, message_id: Identifiers related to Telegram
is_processed: Status of message processing
created_by, created_on, updated_by, updated_on: Audit fields
Technology Stack
Web Framework: FASTAPI
Hosting: Render.com
Adaptability and Modularity
The system is designed for easy adaptationto different AI services and messaging platforms. Changes to service providersor AI models can be made with minimal alterations to the global environmentfile, ensuring flexibility and ease of maintenance.
1. Project Structure
The project can be structured into severaldirectories and files:
/main.py: The entry point of the application.
/app: Contains the application logic.
/tests: Unit and integration tests for the application.
2. Main Components
Initializes the FastAPI application.
Includes routes that connect to the controllers in /app/controllers.
Define routes for receiving and sending messages.
Call services from /app/services to process the data.
Business logic for handling different types of inputs (text, audio, image).
Modules for database interaction.
Service for constructing JSON payloads and communicating with AI APIs.
- Define database models and schemas (e.g., for the tbl_200_messages table).
- Helper functions (e.g., format conversions, timestamp handling).
Modules for interacting with external services (e.g., Telegram API, AI service providers).
Each module in this directory should have a common interface so that swapping services requires minimal changes in other parts of the application.
- Configuration settings, API keys, and environment variables.
Workflow inmage: