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Nipreps version schemes

This package provides a setuptools_scm plugin for version schemes used by the Nipreps family of projects.


Add nipreps_versions to your build-system.requires list, e.g.,

requires = [
build-backend = "flit_scm:buildapi"


requires = [
build-backend = "setuptools.build_meta"

Then request a nipreps version scheme:

version_scheme = "nipreps-calver"


Currently, only one versioning scheme is implemented:


As described in Releases - Principles,

The basic release form is YY.MINOR.PATCH, so the first minor release of 2020 is 20.0.0, and the first minor release of 2021 will be 21.0.0, whatever the final minor release of 2020 is. A series of releases share a YY.MINOR. prefix, which we refer to as the YY.MINOR.x series. For example, the 20.0.x series contains version 20.0.0, 20.0.1, and any other releases needed.

If the last tag was 22.1.0 and the year remains 2022, the development version is 22.2.0.devN. When the year changes to 2023, the development version will become 23.0.0.devN. If the branch is maint/22.1.x, then the computed version will be 22.1.1.devN. If the branch is rel/22.0.3 (and the last tag for that branch is 22.0.2), then the computed version will be 22.0.3.devN.