See extras
folder for models and part information. Please be aware that this model has tolerances for my printer baked in. I printed with supports on >80 degree overhangs mainly to prevent sagging on the rectangular port holes. It was printed with a 0.6mm nozzle at 0.2mm layer height on an Ender 3.
The two buttons connect board pins 38 (front button) and 40 (top button) to ground. The script uses the Pi's internal pullup resistors.
Install ffmpeg
. Uses ffmpeg to convert png to whatever the framebuffer format is. fbi does not like being called over and over.
Screen is constantly calibrating, just touch all four corners the first time your run before using the menu.
Add user to gpio group, replace user
with your username to use GPIO without running script as root
sudo adduser user gpio
Add line to visudo, replace user
with your username to shutdown without running script as root
user ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD: /sbin/poweroff, /sbin/reboot, /sbin/shutdown
I use systemctl to run the script at startup