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PHP code to purify & filter HTML

make HTML markup in text secure and standard-compliant process text for use in HTML, XHTML or XML documents restrict HTML elements, attributes or URL protocols using black- or white-lists balance tags, check element nesting, transform deprecated attributes and tags, make relative URLs absolute, etc. fast, highly customizable, well-documented single, 48 kb file simple HTML Tidy alternative free and licensed under LGPL v3 and GPL v2+ use to filter, secure & sanitize HTML in blog comments or forum posts, generate XML-compatible feed items from web-page excerpts, convert HTML to XHTML, pretty-print HTML, scrape web-pages, reduce spam, remove XSS code, etc.

htmLawed 1.2 beta change-log

**** 1.2.beta.7, 19 January 2015 release ****

Fix for a bug in cleaning of soft-hyphens in URL values, etc.

**** 1.2.beta.6, 2 August 2014 release ****

Fix for a potential security vulnerability arising from specially encoded text with serial opening tags

**** 1.2.beta.5, 12 March 2014 release ****

Incorporated the one change made for htmLawed 1.1.17 for PHP 5.5 compatibility

**** 1.2.beta.4, 11 September 2013 release ****

Incorporated the changes made from htmLawed 1.1.14 to 1.1.16: improved Tidy functionality and detection of specially crafted URL protocols

**** 1.2.beta.3, 6 August 2013 release ****

Improved checking for valid nesting within the a element

**** 1.2.beta.2, 9 June 2013 release ****

Support for new (HTML5) element: main

Support for HTML5's custom data-* attributes

Checks that the value of config. parameter 'unique_ids' does not have a non-word character

The value attribute of li, border of img, and start and type of ol are no longer considered as deprecated

**** 1.2.beta.1, 2 June 2013 release ****

Support for new (HTML5) element: hgroup

Corrected checking for child elements allowed within a to comply with HTML5 specification

**** 1.2.beta, 26 May 2013 release ****

Support for new (HTML5) elements: article, aside, audio, bdi, canvas, command, data, datalist, details, figcaption, figure, footer, header, keygen, mark, meter, nav, output, progress, section, source, summary, time, track, video, wbr (of these, audio, canvas, and video are considered 'unsafe' elements)

Support for these existing (HTML4 'head') elements: link, meta and style (for use within HTML 'body')

Changes in handling of previously supported elements, for compliance with current HTML(5) specification: embed, menu, and u are no longer deprecated (i.e., no tag transformation [when enforced]); acronym will get tag-transformed to abbr; big will get tag-transformed to span (with font-size:larger) and tt will get tag-transformed to code; address is not allowed within address; embed is not allowed with a or button; a is no longer considered an inline element

Global attributes, for compliance with current HTML(5) specification: many new global attributes, including inert and translate, 35 WAI-ARIA attibutes like aria-busy, and the 5 item* attributes like itemscope for microdata specification; accesskey, tabindex, xml:space and xmlns are now global attributes; previous restrictions on global attributes (e.g., id not allowed in script) are removed; now 54 instead of 10 event attributes like onclick and oncuechange; the id attribute is now allowed to have any value, as long as it is unique (when enforced), is not an empty string, and does not contain space characters

Support for new or previously deprecated attributes of previously supported elements, for compliance with current HTML(5) specification -- a: download, media, ping, target; area: hreflang, media, rel, target, type; button, input: formaction, formenctype, formmethod, formnovalidate, formtarget; button, input, select, textarea: autofocus, required; button, fieldset, input, label, object, select, textarea: form; embed: hspace, vspace; fieldset: disabled, name; form: novalidate; iframe: sandbox, seamless, srcdoc; img: crossorigin; input: autocomplete, height, list, max, min, multiple, pattern, step, width; input, textarea: dirname, placeholder; menu: type, label; object: typemustmatch; ol: reversed; script: async, type; textarea: maxlength, wrap

Support for new values for the type attribute of input: tel, search, url, email, datetime, date, month, week, time, datetime-local, number, range, color.

Functions kses() and kses_hook() have been removed.