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Complain if the birth place is known but not in the birth record #1369

Complain if the birth place is known but not in the birth record

Complain if the birth place is known but not in the birth record #1369

Workflow file for this run

name: OS/X
- '*'
- '*'
runs-on: macOS-latest
- uses: actions/checkout@v4
- name: Set up Perl
run: brew install perl
- name: perl -V
run: perl -V
- name: Install Dependencies
run: |
export PATH=$PATH:/opt/homebrew/Cellar/perl/5.38.2_1/bin/
cpan -i App::cpanminus
# Force path to Gedcom or else it doesn't find it
cpanm --skip-satisfied -qin P/PJ/PJCJ/Gedcom-1.22.tar.gz Database::Abstraction Genealogy::Gedcom::Date Date::Parse Getopt::Std Geo::Coder::OSM Geo::Coder::XYZ Term::ANSIColor Lingua::EN::NameParse Lingua::EN::NameCase Lingua::EN::Numbers::Ordinate Tie::Static DateTime::Format::Natural B::Lint LWP::UserAgent::Throttled LWP::Simple::WithCache URI::Find::Schemeless Sort::Key::DateTime Text::Names::GB autodie IPC::System::Simple Memoize Lingua::EN::ABC warnings::unused Lingua::EN::Inflect Geo::Coder::List Geo::Coder::CA Geo::StreetAddress::US Locale::US Geo::Coder::Postcodes List::Util File::Fetch~0.56 Geo::Coder::Ovi Geo::Coder::RandMcnally Geo::Coder::US::Census Geo::Coder::Bing Geo::Coder::GooglePlaces Geo::GeoNames HTML::Table Net::OAuth HTTP::Cache::Transparent DateTime::Format::Genealogy Locale::Object::Country Config::Auto Module::Load Geo::Coder::DataScienceToolkit LWP::UserAgent::Cached F/FR/FRIFFIN/Geo-Coder-PlaceFinder-0.1.tar.gz String::Compare Class::Simple::Cached Class::Simple::Readonly::Cached Geo::Coder::OpenCage Date::ICal Data::ICal Data::ICal::Entry::Event Data::ICal::DateTime Data::ICal::TimeZone Unicode::Diacritic::Strip Date::Manip Roman Data::Section::Simple CHI Locale::AU Locale::CA utf8::all Lingua::Conjunction Lingua::String Geo::Coder::Abbreviations Array::Iterator Data::Text XML::Hash
- name: Run Tests
run: |
perl -MO=Lint ./gedcom
perl -c -Mwarnings::unused ./gedcom