This is a starter with AWS CDK and Angular packaged together in a way that you can deploy the starter angular cli application to s3 with no chamges
If you have aws configured locally or you are in cloud9 this is as simple as running two commands (assuming your terminal starts at the level):
- cd website && npm i && npm run build
- cd ../cdk && npm i && npm run build && npm run deploy
This can be found in the blog folder. This is just the initial site that is created on ng init.
- npm install
- npm run build
- npm run start
- npm run test
This can be found in the cdk folder, it sets up an S3 bucket as a website deploy and uploads your angular website in the website folder.
- npm run build
- cpm run cdk synth - outputs a cloudformation in the console
- npm run deploy - after running build on website folder then you deploy to s3
I included this incase you want to setup a codebuild resource on aws to build/deploy your project automatically