- 😄 Pronouns: He/Him
- ⚡ Fun fact: I sew my own clothes
- 🔭 I’m currently working on laying the fundamental skills for front-end developemnt.
Completed the Fundamentals course, realising:
- Styling of a landing page 📄
- A game of rock-paper-scissors 💎📃✂️
- An etch-a-sketch web program 🖼️🖌️
- Calculator with a twist 🧮
Currently studying the Full Stack Javascript curriculum, and produced:
- A very camp responsive design for this signup form 📋
- And admin dashboard design (try clicking on the watermelon logo!) 🍉
- A library 📚
- A game of Tic-Tac-Toe ❌⭕️
- A project and task organiser 🗓️✅
- A script for a minimalistic carousel 🎆🌆🌃 – also available as an npm package
- A weather forecast webapp ☀️🌦️ (which includes a typo in the URL I could not be bothered to change, yes!)