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Some additional filter improvements #660

Some additional filter improvements

Some additional filter improvements #660

GitHub Actions / JUnit Test Report failed Dec 14, 2023 in 0s

6 tests run, 5 passed, 0 skipped, 1 failed.


Check failure on line 1 in Missing required input

See this annotation in the file changed.

@github-actions github-actions / JUnit Test Report

Missing required input

Assertion failed: 

assert workflow.stderr.join("\n").contains("* Missing required parameter: --scatter_count")
       |        |      |          |
       workflow []     ''         false
Raw output
Nextflow stdout:

WARN: A process with name 'BCFTOOLS_STATS_FAMILY' is defined more than once in module script: /home/runner/work/nf-cmgg-germline/nf-cmgg-germline/./workflows/ -- Make sure to not define the same function as process

Caused by:
  Process `CMGG_CMGGGERMLINE:CMGGGERMLINE:INPUT_SPLIT_BEDTOOLS:BEDTOOLS_SPLIT (NA24385D2_NVQ_034)` terminated with an error exit status (1)

Command executed:

  bedtools \
      split \
      -n null \
      -i NA24385D2_NVQ_034_intersect.bed \
      -p NA24385D2_NVQ_034
  cat <<-END_VERSIONS > versions.yml
      bedtools: $(bedtools --version | sed -e "s/bedtools v//g")

Command exit status:

Command output:

Command error:
  Error: num_chunks==0.
  Tool:    bedtools split
  Version: v2.31.1
  Summary: Split a Bed file.
  Usage:   bedtools split [OPTIONS] -i <bed> -n number-of-files
  	-i|--input (file)	BED input file (req'd).
  	-n|--number (int)	Number of files to create (req'd).
  	-p|--prefix (string)	Output BED file prefix.
  	-a|--algorithm (string) Algorithm used to split data.
  		* size (default): uses a heuristic algorithm to group the items
  		  so all files contain the ~ same number of bases
  		* simple : route records such that each split file has
  		  approximately equal records (like Unix split).
  	-h|--help		Print help (this screen).
  	-v|--version		Print version.
  Note: This programs stores the input BED records in memory.

Work dir:

Tip: when you have fixed the problem you can continue the execution adding the option `-resume` to the run command line

 -- Check '/home/runner/work/nf-cmgg-germline/nf-cmgg-germline/.nf-test/tests/4cd16ee0225696263163b852d9946cdd/meta/nextflow.log' file for details
Join mismatch for the following entries: 
- key=[id:NA24385D2_NVQ_034, sample:NA24385D2_NVQ_034, family:Proband_12345, vardict_min_af:null, family_count:2, type:cram] values= 
- key=[id:DNA049572, sample:DNA049572, family:Proband_12345, vardict_min_af:null, family_count:2, type:cram] values=

WARN: Got an interrupted exception while taking agent result | java.lang.InterruptedException
ERROR ~ A DataflowVariable can only be assigned once. Use bind() to allow for equal values to be passed into already-bound variables.

 -- Check '/home/runner/work/nf-cmgg-germline/nf-cmgg-germline/.nf-test/tests/4cd16ee0225696263163b852d9946cdd/meta/nextflow.log' file for details
Nextflow stderr: