Collection of files and documents related to my work on 2D modeling of the point spread function in the PFS project.
Code_Repository: collection of code. It is made out of:
- Cluster_Code: code to analyze many images in an automatic manner on Princeton clusters
- Older_Versions_Main_Code: few older notebooks of ``main'' code, i.e., analysis that I have been doing
- Other_Noteboks: different notebooks to creat post-stamp images, determine illumination times and similar...
Data: Collection of post stamp images
- CutsForTigerFeb5 - data taken with different lamps at LAM during February, 2019
- CutsForTigerMay2 - data taken with HgAr lamp at LAM on December 1.2 15, 2017 (cut created on May 2 2018)
PFS-Donut Archive: png images of the conversation in the pfd-donut channel on slack
Presentations and reports
- 2DPipeline: Poster for collaboration meeting in Japan, December 2017
- PresentationMondayMeeting: Presentation for astronomical data group at Princeton, June 18 2018
- interim-report-status.pdf: Interim report on the status of 2D PSF modeling, July 5, 2018
- Caplar_New_Directions_Conference_Presentation: Presentation for the New Directions in Optical/Near-IR Spectrographs and Wide-field Imagers conference at Princeton, August 2018
- MondayMorningJanuary282019.pdf: Presentation for astronomical data group at Princeton, January 28 2019
- LAM_May072019.pdf: Presentation at Laboratoire d'Astrophysique de Marseille, May 07 2019
Zernike_code.ipynb: code which is able to generate single images with some comments and examples
- Zernike_Module (fluid, changes often) : python module with definitions of functions
- Zernike_Work_ (fluid - currently Zernike_Work_May): latest jupyter notebook used to investigate