Augmented LibriSpeech is a small EN->FR speech translation corpus which was originally started from the LibriSpeech corpus. The English utterances were automatically aligned to the e-books in French and 236 hours of English speech aligned to French translations at utterance level were finally extracted. It has been widely used in previous studies. As such, we use the clean 100-hour portion plus the augmented machine translation from Google Translate as the training data.
The final performance of speech translation on Argumented LibriSpeech is:
- ASR (dmodel=256, WER)
Framework | Model | Dev | Test | |
NeurST | Transformer ASR | 8.3 | 8.9 | pure end-to-end, beam=4, no length penalty |
Espnet (Inaguma et al., 2020) | Transformer ASR + ctc | 6.5 | 6.4 | multi-task training with ctc loss |
- MT/ST (dmodel=256, case-sensitive, tokenized BLEU/detokenized BLEU)
Framework | Model | Dev | Test |
NeurST | Transformer MT | 20.8 / 19.3 | 19.3 / 17.6 |
NeurST | cascade ST (Transformer ASR -> Transformer MT) | 18.3 / 17.0 | 17.4 / 16.0 |
NeurST | end2end Transformer ST + ASR pretrain | 18.3 / 16.9 | 16.9 / 15.5 |
- MT/ST (dmodel=256, case-insensitive, tokenized BLEU/detokenized BLEU)
Framework | Model | Dev | Test |
NeurST | Transformer MT | 21.7 / 20.2 | 20.2 / 18.5 |
Espnet (Inaguma et al., 2020) | Transformer MT | ---- / 19.6 | ---- / 18.1 |
NeurST | cascade ST (Transformer ASR -> Transformer MT) | 19.2 / 17.8 | 18.2 / 16.8 |
Espnet (Inaguma et al., 2020) | cascade ST (Transformer ASR + ctc -> Transformer MT) | ---- / ---- | ---- / 17.0 |
NeurST | end2end Transformer ST + ASR pretrain | 19.2 / 17.8 | 17.9 / 16.5 |
Espnet (Inaguma et al., 2020) | end2end Transformer ST + ASR pretrain | ---- / ---- | ---- / 15.5 |
Espnet (Inaguma et al., 2020) | end2end Transformer ST + ASR/MT pretrain + SpecAug | ---- / ---- | ---- / 16.7 |
In this recipe, we will introduce how to pre-process the Augmented LibriSpeech corpus and train/evaluate a speech translation model using neurst.
- Requirements
- Data preprocessing
- Step 1: Download Data
- Step 2: Extract audio features
- Step 3: Preprocess transcriptions and translations
- Training and evaluation
- libsndfile1
- TensorFlow >=2.3.0
- soundfile
- python_speech_features
- subword-nmt
- pyyaml
- sacrebleu
- sacremoses
$ git clone
First, we download the original zip files into directory /path_to_data/raw/
and we have
└── raw
The speech translation corpus contains source raw audio files, texts in a target language and other optional information (e.g. transcriptions of the corresponding audio files). Here we pre-compute audio features (that is, log-mel filterbank coefficients) because the computation is time-consuming and features are usually fixed during training and evaluation.
Though NeurST supports preprocessing audio inputs on-the-fly, we recommend to pack the extracted features into TF Records to alleviate the I/O and CPU overhead.
We can extract audio features with
$ ./examples/speech_to_text/augmented_librispeech/ /path_to_data
By default, it extracts 80-channel log-mel filterbank coefficients using a lightweight python package python_speech_features
with windows of 25ms and steps of 10ms. Then we have
├── devtest
│ ├── dev.tfrecords-00000-of-00001
│ └── test.tfrecords-00000-of-00001
├── train
│ ├── train.tfrecords-00000-of-00064
│ ├── ......
│ └── train.tfrecords-00063-of-00064
└── transcripts
├── dev.en.txt
├── test.en.txt
├── train.en.txt
where the directory /path_to_data/train/
) contains the extracted audio features and the corresponding transcriptions (and translations) in TF Record format for training (and evaluation). Transcriptions and translations in txt format are stored in /path_to_data/transcripts
Furthermore, to examine the elements in the TF Record files, we can simply run the command line tool view_tfrecord
$ python3 -m neurst.cli.view_tfrecord /path_to_data/train/
features {
feature {
key: "audio"
value {
float_list {
value: -0.3024393916130066
value: -0.4108518660068512
feature {
key: "transcript"
value {
bytes_list {
value: "valentine"
feature {
key: "translation"
value {
bytes_list {
value: "Valentin?"
elements: {
"transcript": bytes (str)
"translation": bytes (str)
"audio": float32
As is mentioned above, we can map the word tokens to IDs aforehand, to speed up the training process.
By running with
$ ./examples/speech_to_text/augmented_librispeech/ /path_to_moses /path_to_data
we learn vocabulary based on BPE rules with 8,000 merge operations. The learnt BPE and vocabulary are shared across ASR, MT and ST tasks. Note that, we lowercase the transcriptions and remove all punctuations while the cases and punctuations of translations are reserved and we simply apply moses tokenizer. As a result, we obtain
├── asr_st
│ ├── asr_prediction_args.yml
│ ├── asr_training_args.yml
│ ├── asr_validation_args.yml
│ ├── codes.bpe
│ ├── st_prediction_args.yml
│ ├── st_training_args.yml
│ ├── st_validation_args.yml
│ ├── train
│ │ ├── train.tfrecords-00000-of-00064
│ │ ├── ......
│ │ └── train.tfrecords-00063-of-00064
│ ├── vocab.en
│ └──
└── mt
├── codes.bpe
├── mt_prediction_args.yml
├── mt_training_args.yml
├── mt_validation_args.yml
├── train
│ ├── train.en.bpe.txt
│ └──
├── vocab.en
Here, we use txt files (not TF Record) for MT tasks, while the pre-processed training samples for ASR/ST are stored in TF Record files (/path_to_data/asr_st/train/
In addition, configuration files (*.yml
) are generated for the following training/evaluation process. In detail,
: defines the arguments for training, such as batch size, optimizer, paths of training data and data pre-processing pipelines.*_validation_args.yml
: defines the arguments for validation during training, containing validation dataset, interval between two validation procedures, metrics and configurations about automatic checkpoint average.*_prediction_args.yml
: defines the arguments for inference and evaluation, containing testsets, inferece options (like beam size) and metric.
Let's take ASR as an example:
python3 -m neurst.cli.run_exp \
--config_paths /path_to_data/asr_st/asr_training_args.yml,/path_to_data/asr_st/asr_validation_args.yml \
--hparams_set speech_transformer_s \
--model_dir /path_to_data/asr_st/asr_benchmark
where /path_to_data/asr_st/asr_benchmark
is the root path for checkpoints. Here we use --hparams_set speech_transformer_s
to train a transformer model including 12 encoder layers and 6 decoder layers with dmodel=256
Alternatively, we can set
--hparams_set speech_transformer_m
to use thedmodel=512
version, which usually achives better performance.
We train the ASR model on multiple GPUs, as long as there is no GPU out-of-memory exception. Moreover, we can set --update_cycle n --batch_size 120000//n
to simulate n
GPUs with 1 GPU.
To accelerate the training speed, we can simply enable TensorFlow XLA via --enable_xla
option and separate the validation procedure from the training, that is
python3 -m neurst.cli.run_exp \
--config_paths /path_to_data/asr_st/asr_training_args.yml \
--hparams_set speech_transformer_s \
--model_dir /path_to_data/asr_st/asr_benchmark \
Then, we start another process with one GPU for validation by
python3 -m neurst.cli.run_exp \
--entry validation \
--config_paths /path_to_data/asr_st/asr_training_args.yml \
--model_dir /path_to_data/asr_st/asr_benchmark
This process will constantly scan the model_dir
, evaluate each checkpoint and store the checkpoints with best metrics (e.g. WER for ASR) into {model_dir}/best
directory along with the corresponding averaged version into {model_dir}/best_avg
By running with
python3 -m bytdseq.cli.run_exp \
--config_paths /path_to_data/asr_st/asr_prediction_args.yml \
--model_dir /path_to_data/asr_st/asr_benchmark/best_avg
WER will be reported on both dev and test set.
One can replace the yaml files and model directory of ASR with MT/ST's to train and evaluate MT/ST models.
In ST literature, training ST is more difficult than ASR and MT. Transfer learning from ASR and MT tasks is an effective approach to this problem. To do so, we can initialize the ST encoder with ASR encoder by two additional options for training:
--pretrain_model /path_to_data/asr_st/asr_benchmark/best_avg \
--pretrain_variable_pattern "(TransformerEncoder)|(input_audio)"
The variables that match the regular expression provided by --pretrain_variable_pattern
will be initialized.
On this basis, we can further initialize the ST decoder with MT decoder by following options:
--pretrain_model /path_to_data/asr_st/asr_benchmark/best_avg /path_to_data/mt/mt_benchmark/best_avg \
--pretrain_variable_pattern "(TransformerEncoder)|(input_audio)" "(TransformerDecoder)|(target_symbol)"
To inspect the names of model variables, use
tool (see neurst/cli/
NeurST provides cascade_st
tool for easily combining ASR and MT models, e.g.
python3 -m neurst.cli.cascade_st \
--dataset AudioTripleTFRecordDataset
--dataset.params "{'data_path':'/path_to_data/devtest/test.tfrecords-00000-of-00001'}" \
--asr_model_dir /path_to_data/asr_st/asr_benchmark/best_avg \
--asr_search_method beam_search \
--asr_search_method.params "{'beam_size':4,'length_penalty':-1,'maximum_decode_length':150}" \
--mt_model_dir /path_to_data/mt/mt_benchmark/best_avg \
--mt_search_method beam_search \
--mt_search_method.params "{'beam_size':4,'length_penalty':-1,'maximum_decode_length':180}"
For more details about the arguments, use -h