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NeurST provides various command line tools.


Train and evaluate

See examples/

List registered classes and arguments

This tool can list all registered classes (Model, Task, ...), their arguments and detailed explanation:

  • to see user manual:
$ python3 -m neurst.cli.view_registry

    >> python3 -m neurst.cli.view_registry registry_name
           Show registered classes and their aliases.

    >> python3 -m neurst.cli.view_registry registry_name class_name
           Show detailed parameters of the class.

All registry names: 
    - criterion
    - metric
    - feature_extractor
    - data_pipeline
    - tokenizer
    - dataset
    - entry
    - base_layer
    - search_method
    - model
    - decoder
    - encoder
    - hparams_set
    - validator
    - optimizer
    - lr_schedule
    - task
  • to list the registered tasks:
$ python3 -m neurst.cli.view_registry task

All registered task(s): 
    |  Class  |  Aliases  |
    |  Seq2Seq  |  seq2_seq, Seq2Seq, seq2seq, seq_to_seq  |
    |  AudioToText  |  audio_to_text, audio2text, AudioToText, audiototext  |
  • to see the detailed explanation of arguments for Seq2Seq:
$ python3 -m neurst.cli.view_registry task Seq2Seq

Flags for Seq2Seq:
    |  flag  |  type  |  default  |  help  |
    |  shuffle_buffer  |  <class 'int'>  |  0  |  The buffer size for dataset shuffle.  |
    |  batch_size  |  <class 'int'>  |  None  |  The number of samples per update.  |
    |  batch_size_per_gpu  |  <class 'int'>  |  None  |  The per-GPU batch size, that takes precedence of `batch_size`.  |
    |  cache_dataset  |  <class 'bool'>  |  None  |  Whether to cache the training data in memory.  |
    |  max_src_len  |  <class 'int'>  |  None  |  The maximum source length of training data.  |
    |  max_trg_len  |  <class 'int'>  |  None  |  The maximum target length of training data.  |
    |  truncate_src  |  <class 'bool'>  |  None  |  Whether to truncate source to max_src_len.  |
    |  truncate_trg  |  <class 'bool'>  |  None  |  Whether to truncate target to max_trg_len.  |
    |  batch_by_tokens  |  <class 'bool'>  |  None  |  Whether to batch the data by word tokens.  |
Dependent modules for Seq2Seq: 
    |  name  |  module  |  help  |
    |  src_data_pipeline  |  data_pipeline  |  The source side data pipeline.  |
    |  trg_data_pipeline  |  data_pipeline  |  The target side data pipeline.  |

Examine a TFRecord file

view_tfrecord can examine a TFRecord file by displaying one data sample and the element types.

$ python3 -m neurst.cli.view_tfrecord tests/examples/train-zh2en-tfrecords-00000-of-00004

features {
  feature {
    key: "feature"
    value {
      int64_list {
        value: 27
        value: 146
  feature {
    key: "label"
    value {
      int64_list {
        value: 38
        value: 29

elements: {
    "label": int64
    "feature": int64

Inspect variables in a checkpoint

inspect_checkpoint can list all variable names and shapes in a TensorFLow checkpoint.

  • to see the user manual:
$ python3 -m neurst.cli.inspect_checkpoint 

    >> python3 -m neurst.cli.inspect_checkpoint modeldir_or_checkpoint (--structured)
           List all variables and their shapes.

    >> python3 -m neurst.cli.inspect_checkpoint model_dir/checkpoint regular_expr
           List the variables and their shapes if the name matches the `regular_expr`.

    >> python3 -m neurst.cli.inspect_checkpoint model_dir/checkpoint var_name
           Print the variable tensor.
  • to list all variables and shapes (a tiny transformer model):
$ python3 -m neurst.cli.inspect_checkpoint ./test_models

        variable name    shape
SequenceToSequence/TransformerDecoder/layer_0/encdec_attention_prepost_wrapper/encdec_attention/kv_transform/bias       [16]
SequenceToSequence/TransformerDecoder/layer_0/encdec_attention_prepost_wrapper/encdec_attention/kv_transform/kernel     [8, 16]
SequenceToSequence/TransformerDecoder/layer_0/encdec_attention_prepost_wrapper/encdec_attention/output_transform/bias   [8]
SequenceToSequence/TransformerDecoder/layer_0/encdec_attention_prepost_wrapper/encdec_attention/output_transform/kernel [8, 8]
  • to list the specific variables (e.g. layer norm):
$ python3 -m neurst.cli.inspect_checkpoint ./test_models "/ln/"

        variable name (/ln/)     shape
SequenceToSequence/TransformerDecoder/layer_0/encdec_attention_prepost_wrapper/ln/beta  [8]
SequenceToSequence/TransformerDecoder/layer_0/encdec_attention_prepost_wrapper/ln/gamma [8]
SequenceToSequence/TransformerDecoder/layer_0/ffn_prepost_wrapper/ln/beta       [8]
SequenceToSequence/TransformerDecoder/layer_0/ffn_prepost_wrapper/ln/gamma      [8]
  • to print the tensor (e.g. target embedding table)
$ python3 -m neurst.cli.inspect_checkpoint ./test_models "SequenceToSequence/target_symbol_modality_posenc_wrapper/target_symbol_modality/shared/weights"

Variable name: SequenceToSequence/target_symbol_modality_posenc_wrapper/target_symbol_modality/shared/weights
Tensor Shape: [164, 8]
Tensor Value: 
[[-0.17575996  0.1493602  -0.18946414 ... -0.31306902  0.08493289
 [ 0.90474224 -0.609249    0.03951814 ...  0.35367873 -0.20142521
 [-0.23102537 -0.21176471  0.00733235 ... -0.4419487   0.02791528