feat(list): allow filter outline by kind argument
feat(extensions): improve update message
fix(workspace): use timer for moveTo on vim8
feat(extensions): add concurrent limit for install
fix: buf_set_lines should keep view and cursor on vim (#1731 )
feat(extensions): add extension names in update message
feat(doc): not fetch lines for disabled buffer
chore(doc): improve readme
fix(extension): throw error for url not supported
chore(doc): improve doc
feat(workspace): prompt & use quickfix list for workspaceEdit
fix(completion): adjust startcol by textEdit of CompletionItem
fix(languages): adjust textEdit on line change
fix(snippet): fix iterate of variable placeholder
chore(doc): improve doc tag
feat(util): add mutex module
fix(util): remove unused variable
fix(test): fix events test
feat(workspace): use popup_menu for quickpick
fix(diagnostic): check neovim 0.3.2 for enableHighlightLineNumber
feat(list): add configuration for extensions list
refactor(diagnostic): clean up DiagnosticCollection.set() (#1688 )
fix(workspace): better message format
feat(plugin): add coc#util#get_config
fix(services): missing client (#1692 )
fix(workspace): fix recursive deleteFile not work
fix(events): catch error for handler
Remove references to coc-config
in English docs (#1690 )
chore(schema): separateRelatedInformationAsDiagnostics
feat(diagnostic): separate related information as diagnostics (#1687 )
feat(snippets): support variable placeholder as VSCode
chore(util): improve error message
fix(float): not scroll bottom for single doc
Revert "added mdx filetype identifier (#1679 )"
added mdx filetype identifier (#1679 )
fix(diagnostic): check support of highlight line number
feat(plugin): add CocNotify function
chore(language-client): use vscode-languageserver-textdocument
chore(plugin): use vscode-languageserver-textdocument for TextDocument
fix(list): avoid crash on paste by use clipboardy
feat(list): support for paste input
feat(util): expand g:coc_node_path
fix(tests): ignore watchman command in tests
fix(diagnostic): enable highlight number when enableSign is true
feat(workspace): add position to error message on completeopt change
fix(list): avoid unnecessary change of history input
fix(util): fix workspace.showMessage on vim8
Revert "fix(util): suppress 'press ENTER' in echo_messages() (#1668 )"
fix(util): suppress 'press ENTER' in echo_messages() (#1668 )
feat(events): check timeout for handler functions
feat(util): expand coc_config_home & coc_data_home
fix(services): check needsStop before stop
fix(services): avoid unnecessary service start
fix(util): fix possible wrong highlight
feat(services): support language client lazy initialize
feat(test): add connection tests
chore(language-client): rework progress feature
Fix typo termnial -> terminal (#1663 )
You can’t perform that action at this time.