204 commits
to dev
since this release
What's Changed
- Bump version 5.11.0 (#3456) (#3536) by @vga91 in #3658
- [NOID] Remove register BuiltInDbmsProcedures.class by @vga91 in #3660
- [kfkbAyTs] Added Security Guidance docs page by @vga91 in #3670
- [RY28NjPX] Update installation docs with docker and desktop, created partial and small fixes by @vga91 in #3665
- Bump semver from 5.7.1 to 5.7.2 in /docs/antora by @dependabot in #3653
- First LLM prompt for cypher, query and schema in APOC by @jexp in #3649
- [NkXyUGRz] Fixes #3669: apoc.uuid.setup -Signature not matching description (#3683) by @vga91 in #3684
- Removed unused imports and fixed StartupExtendedTest (#3681) by @vga91 in #3685
- [crGU1Fb4] Remove unused code after git submodule implementation (#3679) by @vga91 in #3686
- [V8keNXu0] error details while using apoc.cypher.run* procedures by @vga91 in #3668
- [NOID] lightened tests by @vga91 in #3692
- Exclude :core:shadowJar task from extended (#3597) by @vga91 in #3694
- Change start page title by @JPryce-Aklundh in #3720
- [NOID] Release 5.11.0 by @vga91 in #3721
- Removed -debian suffix from docker by @vga91 in #3723
- [ld3WXRsV] Fix APOC extended TTL tests (#3664) by @vga91 in #3725
- Fixes #3640: Custom procedures declaration fails in 5.9.0 (#3647) by @vga91 in #3730
- [BqvAC2FK] Update selenium dependencies (#3675) by @vga91 in #3729
- Fixes #3589: Add support for Parquet files similar to CSV/Arrow (#3711) by @vga91 in #3731
- Fix WebDriverWait compile error by @vga91 in #3732
- Parquet small fixes by @vga91 in #3734
- Release 5.11: Updated latest 4.4 doc version by @vga91 in #3738
- Add core vs extended warning (#3719) by @vga91 in #3739
- [YM9jwcK7] Follow up parquet procedures - Added documentation by @vga91 in #3736
- Update submodule to 5.11 by @vga91 in #3741
- [KTShrhoz] Fix apoc.systemdb.* documentation by @vga91 in #3743
- Fix various 5.11 build errors by @vga91 in #3722
- Fixing typo on syntax (#3709) by @vga91 in #3747
- [drqYtb6r] apoc.cypher.run* procedures don't return results (extended) (#3615) by @vga91 in #3740
- [qxkr2RlZ] apoc.load.ldap cant find config value due to missing by @vga91 in #3727
- Fixes #3695: Improvement docs for Cypher Procedures on 5.11 by @vga91 in #3748
Full Changelog: 5.10.0...5.11.0