EasyAdminPlusBundle is a Symfony 4 wrapper for the amazing EasyCorp/EasyAdminBundle which includes some extra features.
- Provide a generator to guess the default EasyAdmin configuration based on Doctrine Types', Annotations' & Asserts' reflection + support popular 3rd party bundles.
- Add an action to manage translations files.
- ACL to restrict access based on
entity/action role permissions
- Add an action to export entities in CSV.
- Filters on entity
- Nested tree compatible
- Show Advanced design ( group and tabs )
- Batch action on list
- Configure Query Builder Method
- PHP >= 7.1
- Symfony 4
- EasyAdminBundle ^1.17
$ composer require 2lenet/easyadmin-plus-bundle
Load routes from our AdminController
or yours but make sure it extends LleEasyAdminPlusBundle
# config/routes/easy_admin.yaml
resource: '@LleEasyAdminPlusBundle/Controller/AdminController.php'
prefix: /admin
type: annotation