An Odometer is a device that measures the mileage of a vehicle. To measure the mileage of a car or bicycle, one very efficient way is to multiply the number of revolutions and the circumference of the vehicle's tire (easily done with a magnet and a hall effect sensor). But this would mean you'd have to measure the circumference of every vehicle and update the firmware of the MCU in use.
This project is a test to measure the mileage of a vehicle by taking frequent points (longitude and latitude) every few seconds using a GPS and then calculate the distances adding them all up to give you the total distance.
The haversine distance formula played well in this project
- Edit the .ino file, replacing ssid and password with your credentials.
- Edit the API variable in the .ino with your Google Geolocation Api
- To learn about getting your Google Geolocation API, check this
- Upload the .ino file to your Esp8266 MCU
- You should begin to see the logitude and latitude of your exact location
You should be familiar with PHP, SQL and any WEBHOSTING platform
Upload the public_html into the webhosting platform
Create your database in the webhosting platform and import the .sql file
Setup your PHP connections in
- public_html/backend/connections/connections.php
Edit the following variables in the .ino file
- servername with the direct link of sensor.php in your webhosting platform
- api_key with your own api_key defined in public_html/backend/sensor_post.php
Reupload to your ESP8266 MCU
You should see the mileage covered on the deployed website in your webhosting platform