python 3.7 64bit
tensorflow 1.15.2
scipy 1.4.1
scikit-image 0.16.2
--epoch "Epoch to train [25]"
--learning_rate "Learning rate of for adam [0.0002]"
--beta1 "Momentum term of adam [0.5]"
--train_size "The size of train images [np.inf]"
--batch_size "The size of batch images [64]"
--input_height "The size of image to use (will be center cropped). [108]"
--input_width "The size of image to use (will be center cropped). If None, same value as input_height [None]"
--output_height "The size of the output images to produce [64]"
--output_width "The size of the output images to produce. If None, same value as output_height [None]"
--dataset "The name of dataset [celebA, mnist, lsun]"
--input_fname_pattern "Glob pattern of filename of input images [*]"
--data_dir "path to datasets [e.g. $HOME/data]"
--out_dir "Root directory for outputs [e.g. $HOME/out]"
--out_name "Folder (under out_root_dir) for all outputs. Generated automatically if left blank []"
--checkpoint_dir "Folder (under out_root_dir/out_name) to save checkpoints [checkpoint]"
--sample_dir "Folder (under out_root_dir/out_name) to save samples [samples]"
--train "True for training, False for testing [False]"
--crop" "True for training, False for testing [False]"
--visualize "True for visualizing, False for nothing [False]"
--export "True for exporting with new batch size"
--freeze "True for exporting with new batch size"
--max_to_keep "maximum number of checkpoints to keep"
--sample_freq "sample every this many iterations"
--ckpt_freq "save checkpoint every this many iterations"
--z_dim "dimensions of z"
--z_dist" "'normal01' or 'uniform_unsigned' or uniform_signed"
--G_img_sum "Save generator image summaries in log"