Below you will find a list of different coding exercises, read the summary and pick 3 exercises to complete in a certain time.
- You can choose any exercise, any order and even change your mind later and pick a different one.
- If you decide to change your exercise, time to complete them will remain the same, will not restart.
- We prefer quality over quantity, so don't worry if you don't complete the 3 of them
- Is better to have a few great ideas than a lot of poor quality solutions :)
- Clone this repository: git clone
- Create a new brach from master and name it as <firstname-lastname>. i.e. git checkout -b john-doe
- In the new branch solve the exercises you picked
- Once you are done create a pull request pointing to master branch
- If you picked the BONUS code_review exercise, resolve it directly in the pull request
- You must share your screen during the test
- You can search any information you want on Internet
- If you have questions about any exercise feel free to ask the interviewer(s)
Below is a summary of every option, you will find detailed instructions inside each folder related to the exercise.
A single page app has been created, add as many unit tests as you see fit.
A simple TODO list app has been provided. You will have to make sure the app is meeting the expected behavior, doing the necessary fixes.
A simple React app that requires some added functionality and UI styling.
A simple Employee list app has been provided, for this exercise your expertise is required to debug, optimize, organize and standardize the code based on the best practices you may know.
A simple Giphy search client has been provided. Please display an unordered list of the giphy search results.
Write a program able to print, in a React view with navigation, the first 20 numbers of the fibonacci series and add an input that will perform at least 1 of the 2 following options:
- Test if the input's value is part of the series.
- Get the Nth number of the series.
Write a program that prints, in a React view with navigation, the numbers from 1 to 100, replace multiples of 3 with the word "Apa", multiples of 5 with "Yapa", and for multiples of both print "ApaYapa"
Code review is a very important skill for the company, as a bonuse exercise a single file has been provided, please take a look at it and do as many recommendations as you see fit to improve the code quality.