This was initially a repository for a long-read text on how to use basic XSLT with Javascript and PHP in a website context in 2023, however the intention is for this to migrate into a repository of examples instead.
There are many tutorials available on how to use XSLT and XPath on the web but many of these are dated and from the Internet Explorer era. The scope of this repository is around examples of how: How can XSLT be used within modern browsers of 2023 - Firefox, Google Chrome, Chromium era. How you can use XSLT and XPath in a modern website context. Using Javascript in various ways with XSLT
XMLHttpRequest Fetch API FileReader API Drag and Drop API Web Workers, Service Workers, IndexedDB, Web Storage.
Since the scope is use of XSLT within the browser, all examples will be XSLT 1.0.