Releases: ncezid-biome/EDLB-micropipe-LATEST
Updated Flye from 2.9 to latest version (2.9.1) as of 04/07/2023 and whatever "latest" is considered afterwards. The container I use for Flye has the word "latest" instead of the version number now, which would allow for automatic use of the latest version.
Limit the barcodes that get basecalled to those found in the samplesheet rather than based on the possibly empty barcode folders under the fast5 directory.
I deleted old comments.
Parameter guppy_config_gpu = "dna_r10.4.1_e8.2_400bps_hac.cfg" set as default on config file.
I set flowcell and kit to false on the config file.
I changed the path on fast5_dir on config file. Make sure to always set this to the fast5 folder directory.
I changed default of --skip_pycoqc and --skip_qc parameters to false so that they depend on command line entirely. I recommend using --skip_pycoqc on demultiplexed fast5 inputs because the summary file gets overwritten by each new barcode.
This release has an updated, uses Medaka v1.7.2 and Guppy v6.3.8. File Paths have been fixed. Contained tests are:
- Whole Pipeline Test: from basecalling to quast, pipeline-style nf-test module. 2: Single Process nf-test modules for: Basecalling (Single isolate), Flye, and Racon.