This is a Pure C implementation of the Oculus Rift SDK in static and shared library form. This library was created to provide access to the drivers and sensor fusion algorithms produced by Oculus VR from basic C functions.
The library uses the excellent hidapi library for the HID heavy lifting. I had originally created some HID routines myself, but hidapi offers cross-platform support so I decided to switch in the eventual hopes that I'd support other platforms in the future.
This library also uses gl-matrix.c, which is a permissively-licensed vector/matrix/quat library. This choice was pretty arbitrary. I didn't want to write one myself and I wanted one with a license that was compatible with the Oculus VR SDK. Only a handful of functions are actually used for the tracker updates, but having a whole library available is handy.
For now, I only have the following packages. You will still need to install HIDAPI (see prerequesites) to use the library.
Example source code:
- GLUT (for the examples) - freeglut3 on ubuntu
From a base ubuntu install, grab the following packages:
- g++
- gcc
- make
- automake
- libtool
- freeglut3-dev
- libudev-dev
- libusb-1.0-0-dev
Just type 'make. The included makefile will perform the following actions
You can run these separately if you need to provide other arguments such as the location of the hidapi library or headers. To remove all build files and start over from scratch, do:
make -f Makefile.clean clean
Excellent idea Shamelessly copied from the OpenHMD folks:
Configuring udev on Linux
To avoid having to run your applications as root to access USB devices you have to
add a udev rule (this will be included in .deb packages, etc).
As root, run:
echo 'SUBSYSTEM=="usb", ATTR{idVendor}=="2833", MODE="0666", GROUP="plugdev"' > /etc/udev/rules.d/83-hmd.rules
udevadm control --reload-rules
After this you have to unplug your Rift and plug it back in. You should now be
able to access the Oculus Rift as a normal user.
make install
You can make use of the library by including <libovr_nsb/OVR.h> and linking with -lovr_nsb -lgl_matrix
See the examples in the source for further details
This will install into $PREFIX. You'll need to export LD_LIBRARY_PATH to point at $PREFIX/lib in order to run the examples
make uninstall
This library falls under the Oculus Rift SDK License. See License.txt for details
(C) Oculus VR, Inc. 2013. All Rights Reserved. The latest version of the Oculus SDK is available at
If you're on the oculus rift forums ( ) you can pm to 'nsb' there. Otherwise, feel free to email me: [email protected]
Anthony Tavener ..and many others!