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This is developed using MySQL database.

Create database onix
Set the username and passwords in the file lib/Onix/
Create the database tables using sql/create_tables.sql

To run:

perl bin/ --xml_file=/root/nitish/Onix/ONIX_Books_3.0_sample_1/sample_1_reference_names.xml
perl bin/ --xml_file=/root/nitish/Onix/t/xml/correct1.xml

This program accepts one parameter, xml_file, which accepts a string. It tries to open the file, read the XML data and insert it into the database.

CPAN modules required:


Original Requirement:

The major part of the TitlePage is ONIX loader - set of Perl, shell and PL/SQL scripts which validate, parse and load data from the ONIX (XML) files to the Oracle database.

So test would be to write simplified ONIX loader which would load only the following elements from the ONIX file to the database:

1.       RecordReference
2.       ProductForm
3.       ProductIdentifier, including ProductIDType and IDValue sub-elements
4.       SupplyDetail, this one is more complex so only the following sub-elements:
a.       SupplierName
b.      SupplierRole
c.       ProductAvailability
d.      ExpectedShipDate
e.      Stock, including OnHand and OnOrder sub-elements
f.        Price, including PriceTypeCode, PriceAmount and CurrencyCode sub-elements 

You need to:

1.                   read about ONIX 2.1:

2.                   download ONIX 2.1 spec and code lists: 2.1 Downloads

3.                   design DB schema to store elements listed above and provide SQL file which can be used to create corresponding tables

4.                   create Perl OO _module_ which would
	a.                  validate full ONIX file against ONIX DTD/schema and display errors if any
	b.                 parse ONIX file and retrieve data for elements listed above
	c.                  validate element values against ONIX 2.1 code lists (e.g. the "ProductForm" element value must be one of the listed in the "ONIX Code List 7: Product form code", the "ProductIDType" - from "ONIX Code List 5: Product identifier type code", etc.)
d.                  store data in the DB using DBI (if he can do that using DBIx::Class, it would be big plus)
5.                   create Perl _script_ which would get full path to the ONIX file as a command line parameter and use that new Perl module created at step 4

 Note: code must be written as it is actual project - it should compile/run w/o errors/warnings and be well structured, commented, etc.


To work with the Onix xml format.






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