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navis.read_ivscc: basic IVSCC feature extraction
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schlegelp committed Sep 21, 2024
1 parent ce8c29e commit 79191b3
Showing 3 changed files with 404 additions and 1 deletion.
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions docs/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -314,6 +314,7 @@ Functions to analyze morphology.
| [`navis.persistence_vectors()`][navis.persistence_vectors] | {{ autosummary("navis.persistence_vectors") }} |
| [`navis.strahler_index()`][navis.strahler_index] | {{ autosummary("navis.strahler_index") }} |
| [`navis.segment_analysis()`][navis.segment_analysis] | {{ autosummary("navis.segment_analysis") }} |
| [`navis.ivscc_features()`][navis.ivscc_features] | {{ autosummary("navis.ivscc_features") }} |
| [`navis.sholl_analysis()`][navis.sholl_analysis] | {{ autosummary("navis.sholl_analysis") }} |
| [`navis.tortuosity()`][navis.tortuosity] | {{ autosummary("navis.tortuosity") }} |
| [`navis.betweeness_centrality()`][navis.betweeness_centrality] | {{ autosummary("navis.betweeness_centrality") }} |
3 changes: 2 additions & 1 deletion navis/morpho/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -26,6 +26,7 @@
from .persistence import (persistence_points, persistence_vectors,
from .fq import form_factor
from .ivscc import ivscc_features

__all__ = ['strahler_index', 'bending_flow', 'flow_centrality', 'synapse_flow_centrality',
@@ -37,4 +38,4 @@
'subset_neuron', 'smooth_voxels', 'sholl_analysis',
'persistence_points', 'betweeness_centrality',
'persistence_vectors', 'persistence_distances', 'combine_neurons',
'segment_analysis', 'form_factor']
'segment_analysis', 'form_factor', 'ivscc_features']
401 changes: 401 additions & 0 deletions navis/morpho/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,401 @@
# This script is part of navis (
# Copyright (C) 2018 Philipp Schlegel
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.

import pandas as pd
import numpy as np

from abc import ABC, abstractmethod
from scipy.stats import wasserstein_distance
from typing import Union, Sequence

from .. import config, graph, core
from . import subset_neuron, tortuosity

# Set up logging
logger = config.get_logger(__name__)

__all__ = sorted(

# A mapping of label IDs to compartment names
# Note: anything above 5 is considered "undefined" or "custom"
label_to_comp = {
-1: "root",
0: "undefined",
1: "soma",
2: "axon",
3: "basal_dendrite",
4: "apical_dendrite",
comp_to_label = {v: k for k, v in label_to_comp.items()}

class CompartmentNotFoundError(Exception):
"""An exception raised when a compartment is not found."""


class Features(ABC):
def __init__(self, neuron: "core.TreeNeuron", label=None, verbose=False):
self.neuron = neuron
self.verbose = verbose

if label is None:
self.label = ""
elif not label.endswith("_"):
self.label = f"{label}_"
self.label = label

# Make sure the neuron is rooted to the soma (if present)
self.soma = self.neuron.soma
if self.soma is not None:
self.soma_pos = self.neuron.soma_pos[0]
self.soma_radius = self.neuron.nodes.set_index("node_id").loc[
self.soma, "radius"

if self.neuron.soma not in self.neuron.root:
self.neuron = self.neuron.reroot(self.neuron.soma)

# Calculate geodesic distances from leafs to all other nodes (directed)
self.leaf_dists = graph.geodesic_matrix(
self.neuron, self.neuron.leafs.node_id.values, directed=True
# Replace infinities with -1
self.leaf_dists[self.leaf_dists == float("inf")] = -1

self.features = {}

def record_feature(self, name, value):
"""Record a feature."""
self.features[f"{self.label}{name}"] = value

def extract_features(self):
"""Extract features."""

class BasicFeatures(Features):
"""Base class for features."""

def extract_features(self):
"""Extract basic features."""
"extent_y", self.neuron.nodes.y.max() - self.neuron.nodes.y.min()
"extent_x", self.neuron.nodes.x.max() - self.neuron.nodes.x.min()
"max_branch_order", (self.neuron.nodes.type == "branch").sum() + 1
self.record_feature("num_nodes", len(self.neuron.nodes))
self.record_feature("total_length", self.neuron.cable_length)

if self.soma is None:
if self.verbose:
f"{} has no `.soma` attribute, skipping soma-related features."

# x/y bias from soma
# Note: this is absolute for x and relative for y
(self.neuron.nodes.x.max() - self.soma_pos[0])
- (self.soma_pos[0] - self.neuron.nodes.x.min())
(self.neuron.nodes.y.max() - self.soma_pos[1])
- (self.soma_pos[1] - self.neuron.nodes.y.min()),

# Distances from soma
(self.neuron.nodes[["x", "y", "z"]] - self.soma_pos)

# Tortuosity
self.record_feature("mean_contraction", tortuosity(self.neuron))

# Branching (number of linear segments between branch)
self.record_feature("num_branches", len(self.neuron.small_segments))

return self.features

class CompartmentFeatures(BasicFeatures):
"""Base class for compartment-specific features."""

def __init__(self, neuron: "core.TreeNeuron", compartment, verbose=False):
if "label" not in neuron.nodes.columns:
raise ValueError(
f"No 'label' column found in node table for neuron {}"

if (
compartment not in neuron.nodes.label.values
and comp_to_label.get(compartment, compartment)
not in neuron.nodes.label.values
raise CompartmentNotFoundError(
f"No {compartment} ({comp_to_label.get(compartment, compartment)}) compartments found in neuron {}"

# Initialize the parent class
super().__init__(neuron, label=compartment, verbose=verbose)

# Now subset the neuron to this compartment
self.neuron = subset_neuron(
(compartment, comp_to_label[compartment])

class AxonFeatures(CompartmentFeatures):
"""Extract features from an axon."""

def __init__(self, neuron: "core.TreeNeuron", verbose=False):
super().__init__(neuron, "axon", verbose=verbose)

def extract_features(self):
# Extract basic features via the parent class

# Now deal witha axon-specific features:

if self.soma is not None:
# Distance between axon root and soma surface
# Note: we're catering for potentially multiple roots here
axon_root_pos = self.neuron.nodes.loc[
self.neuron.nodes.type == "root", ["x", "y", "z"]

# Closest dist between an axon root and the soma
dist = np.linalg.norm(axon_root_pos - self.soma_pos, axis=1).min()

# Subtract soma radius from the distance
dist -= self.soma_radius

self.record_feature("exit_distance", dist)

# Axon theta: The relative radial position of the point where the neurite from which
# the axon derives exits the soma.

# Get the node where the axon exits the soma
exit_node = self.neuron.nodes.loc[self.neuron.nodes.type == "root"]

# Get theta
theta = np.arctan2(
exit_node.y.values - self.soma_pos[1],
exit_node.x.values - self.soma_pos[0],
self.record_feature("exit_theta", theta)

return self.features

class BasalDendriteFeatures(CompartmentFeatures):
"""Extract features from a basal dendrite."""

def __init__(self, neuron: "core.TreeNeuron", verbose=False):
super().__init__(neuron, "basal_dendrite", verbose=verbose)

def extract_features(self):
# Extract basic features via the parent class

# Now deal with basal dendrite-specific features
if self.soma is not None:
# Number of stems sprouting from the soma
# (i.e. number of nodes with a parent that is the soma)
"calculate_number_of_stems", (self.neuron.nodes.parent_id == self.soma).sum()

return self.features

class ApicalDendriteFeatures(CompartmentFeatures):
"""Extract features from a apical dendrite."""

def __init__(self, neuron: "core.TreeNeuron", verbose=False):
super().__init__(neuron, "apical_dendrite", verbose=verbose)

def extract_features(self):
# Extract basic features via the parent class

return self.features

class OverlapFeatures(Features):
"""Features that compare two compartments (e.g. overlap)."""

# Compartments to compare
compartments = ("axon", "basal_dendrite", "apical_dendrite")

def extract_features(self):
# Iterate over compartments
for c1 in self.compartments:
if c1 in self.neuron.nodes.label.values:
c1_nodes = self.neuron.nodes[self.neuron.nodes.label == c1]
elif comp_to_label.get(c1, c1) in self.neuron.nodes.label.values:
c1_nodes = self.neuron.nodes[
self.neuron.nodes.label == comp_to_label[c1]
for c2 in self.compartments:
if c1 == c2:
if c2 in self.neuron.nodes.label.values:
c2_nodes = self.neuron.nodes[self.neuron.nodes.label == c2]
elif comp_to_label.get(c2, c2) in self.neuron.nodes.label.values:
c2_nodes = self.neuron.nodes[
self.neuron.nodes.label == comp_to_label[c2]

# Calculate % of nodes of a given compartment type above/overlapping/below the
# full y-extent of another compartment type
self.features[f"{c1}_frac_above_{c2}"] = (
c1_nodes.y > c2_nodes.y.max()
).sum() / len(c1_nodes)
self.features[f"{c1}_frac_intersect_{c2}"] = (
(c1_nodes.y >= c2_nodes.y.min()) & (c1_nodes.y <= c2_nodes.y.max())
).sum() / len(c1_nodes)
self.features[f"{c1}_frac_below_{c2}"] = (
c1_nodes.y < c2_nodes.y.min()
).sum() / len(c1_nodes)

# Calculate earth mover's distance (EMD) between the two compartments
if f"{c2}_emd_with_{c1}" not in self.features:
self.features[f"{c1}_emd_with_{c2}"] = wasserstein_distance(
c1_nodes.y, c2_nodes.y

return self.features

def ivscc_features(
x: "core.TreeNeuron", features=None, missing_compartments="ignore", verbose=False
) -> Union[float, pd.DataFrame]:
"""Calculate IVSCC features for neuron(s).
Please see the `IVSCC` tutorial for more details.
x : TreeNeuron | NeuronList
Neuron(s) to calculate IVCSS for.
features : Sequence[Features], optional
Provide specific features to calculate.
Must be subclasses of `BasicFeatures`.
If `None`, will use default features.
missing_compartments : "ignore" | "skip" | "raise"
What to do if a neuron is missing a compartment
(e.g. no axon or basal dendrite):
- "ignore" (default): ignore that compartment
- "skip": skip the entire neuron
- "raise": raise an exception
ivcss : pd.DataFrame
IVCSS features for the neuron(s).

if isinstance(x, core.TreeNeuron):
x = core.NeuronList([x])

if features is None:

data = {}
for n in x:
data[] = {}
for feat in features:
f = feat(n, verbose=verbose)
except CompartmentNotFoundError as e:
if missing_compartments == "ignore":
elif missing_compartments == "skip":
raise e


return pd.DataFrame(data)

def _check_compartments(n, compartments):
"""Check if `compartments` are valid."""
if compartments == "auto":
if "label" not in n.nodes.columns:
return None
return n.nodes.label.unique()
elif compartments is True:
return n.nodes.label.unique()
elif isinstance(compartments, str):
if "label" not in n.nodes.columns or compartments not in n.nodes.label.unique():
raise ValueError(f"Compartment not present: {compartments}")
return [compartments]
elif isinstance(compartments, Sequence):
if "label" not in n.nodes.columns:
raise ValueError("No 'label' column found in node table.")
for c in compartments:
if c not in n.nodes.label.unique():
raise ValueError(f"Compartment not present: {c}")
return compartments
elif compartments in (None, False):
return None

raise ValueError(f"Invalid `compartments`: {compartments}")

DEFAULT_FEATURES = [AxonFeatures, BasalDendriteFeatures, ApicalDendriteFeatures, OverlapFeatures]

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