The simplest way to run testling type tests in the browser
npm install run-browser -g
run-browser <file> <options>
-p --port <number> The port number to run the server on (default: 3000)
-b --chromium Use the chromium headless browser to run tests and then exit with the correct status code (if tests output TAP)
-r --report Generate coverage Istanbul report. Repeat for each type of coverage report desired. (default: text only)
-t --timeout Global timeout in milliseconds for tests to finish. (default: Infinity)
-m --mock Include given JS file and use for handling requests to /mock*
run-browser test-file.js --port 3030 --report text --report html --report=cobertura
Basic usage:
var runBrowser = require('run-browser');
var server = runBrowser('tests/test.js');
Advanced Usage:
var runBrowser = require('run-browser');
var handler = runBrowser.createHandler('tests/test.js');
var server = http.createServer(function (req, res) {
if (runBrowser.handles(req)) {
return handler(req, res);
// any other server logic here
For advanced chromium-browser usage, just read the source in ./bin/cli.js
If you pass -m localfile.js
argument, the file is expected to export a function for handling requests to /mock*
module.exports = function (req, res) {
if (req.url === '/mock/no-content') {
res.statusCode = 204