irita-sdk-java for opb
String mnemonic="xxx";
Key km=new KeyManager(mnemonic);
String privKeyHex="3c49175daf981965679bf88d2690e22144424e16c84e9d397ddb58b63603eeec";
BigInteger privKey=new BigInteger(privKeyHex,16);
Key km=new KeyManager(privKey);
read from str
String keystore="-----BEGIN TENDERMINT PRIVATE KEY-----\n"+
"salt: 183EF9B57DEF8EF8C3AD9D21DE672E1B\n"+
"type: sm2\n"+
"kdf: bcrypt\n"+
InputStream input=new ByteArrayInputStream(keystore.getBytes(StandardCharsets.UTF_8));
Key km=new KeyManager(input,"123456");
read from file
FileInputStream input=new FileInputStream("src/test/resources/priv.key");
Key km=new KeyManager(input,"123456");
FileInputStream input=new FileInputStream("src/test/resources/ca.JKS");
Key km=KeyManager.recoverFromCAKeystore(input,"123456");
public interface Key {
* export as keystore
* @param password password of keystore. The password is very important for recovery, so never forget it
String export(String password) throws IOException;
public interface Key {
BigInteger getPrivKey();
String getAddr();
String mnemonic="opera vivid pride shallow brick crew found resist decade neck expect apple chalk belt sick author know try tank detail tree impact hand best";
String opbUri="";
String projectId="xxx";
String projectKey=null;
Key km=new KeyManager(mnemonic);
IritaClientOption.Fee fee=new IritaClientOption.Fee("2000000","uirita");
IritaClientOption option=new IritaClientOption("10000000",fee,1073741824,"",1.0,km);
OpbOption opbOption=new OpbOption(opbUri,projectId,projectKey);
IritaClient client=new IritaClient(chainId,opbOption,option);
WasmClient wasmClient=iritaClient.getWasmClient();
CommunityGovClient comGovClient=iritaClient.getCommunityGovClient();
// get other client is as same as above
Write next in application.yml
mnemonic: apart various produce pond bachelor size pumpkin gate pretty awake silver worth dust pledge pioneer patrol current fall escape lunar zero afraid this fish
chainId: wenchangchain
projectId: 7b3c53beda5c48c6b07d98804e156389
contractAddr: iaa1cr8ard7tpvzf3g8n5llegc0fd92uuxeeuzt4s6
Then use @ConfigurationProperties + @Component to register Bean. You can also use EnableConfigurationProperties(IritaSdkConfig.class) as you like
@ConfigurationProperties(prefix = "irita.sdk")
public class IritaSdkConfig {
private String mnemonic;
private String opbUri;
private String projectId;
private String projectKey;
private String chainId;
private int gas;
private String amount;
private String denom;
private String contractAddr;
public IritaClient iritaClient() {
Key km = new KeyManager(mnemonic);
IritaClientOption.Fee fee = new IritaClientOption.Fee(getAmount(), getDenom());
IritaClientOption option = new IritaClientOption(getGas(), fee, 1073741824, "", 1.0, km);
OpbOption opbOption = new OpbOption(opbUri, projectId, projectKey);
return new IritaClient(chainId, opbOption, option);
public WasmClient wasmClient(IritaClient iritaClient) {
if (StringUtils.hasLength(contractAddr))
ContractAddress.DEFAULT = contractAddr;
return iritaClient.getWasmClient();
public CommunityGovClient comGovClient(IritaClient iritaClient) {
return iritaClient.getCommunityGovClient();
public String getAmount() {
if (StringUtils.hasLength(amount)) {
return amount;
return "200000";
public String getDenom() {
if (StringUtils.hasLength(denom)) {
return denom;
return "uirita";
public int getGas() {
return gas != 0 ? gas : 10000000;
final String publicKey = "iaa1ytemz2xqq2s73ut3ys8mcd6zca2564a5lfhtm3";
final String department = "测试部门";
try {
comGovClient.addDepartment(department, publicKey, baseTx);
} catch (ContractException e) {
// you can use log to record
String newAddr = "iaa1wfs050mv8taydn4cttsrhr5dq3tpdaemcm5sk2";
try {
comGovClient.addMember(newAddr, Role.HASH_ADMIN, baseTx);
} catch (ContractException | IOException e) {
// 关于角色见