This is a web application developed with Ruby on Rails that contains some similar functions from Twitter social network.
- Create an account.
- Log in into your account.
- Tweet from your account only if you are logged in.
- Follow and unfollow another users.
- Search another users to follow them (you should know if the user is already registered and the username).
- Another users can follow and unfollow you.
- Feed view only with your tweets and tweets from people you follow.
- Profile view only with your tweets.
- Custom url with you username that redirect to your profile.
- View with a list of your followers.
- View with a list of users you follow.
- Log out.
- Ruby 2.7+
- Rails 6+
Make sure that you have installed rails 6+ before cloning:
- Clone the repository:
git clone
- Go to the folder:
cd twitter_clone
- Install dependencies
yarn install
- Install requirements
bundle install
- Create the data base
rails db:create
- Run the migrations
rails db:migrate
- Run the server:
rails s -b -p 3000
Get into the URL
or app live demo link to start the web app.
Home page (feed):
Profile view: