Web app that generates meal recipes automatically based on filters such as BMI and weight goals. It also serves as a food diary where users can create their own meals.
- General info
- Features
- Technologies
- Setup
- Contributors
The assumption of the application is to create a food diary where every user
will have possibility to create own diary or generate them, based on requirements .
Thanks to BMI calculator, caloric demand calculator and meals algorithm, the user will be able to get tasty meals
and change weight according to his demands.
- User registration and login
- Three roles and access restrictions : User, Moderator and Admin
- Adding products with details : Proteins, Carbohydrates and Fats per 100g, Product Type and price per kg
- Adding meals based on products and amount with details : image, recipe and difficulty
- Adding details about user
- Calculate BMI and caloric demand based on details
- Calculate caloric demand according to user goal : losing, gaining or keep weight
- Create diaries for user : add or remove meals from current day
- Generate choosen numbers of meals and total calories for whole day
- Program calculate total calories and price for whole meal and day automatically
(The program ensures that meals from 3 days back will not appear)
- JWT security and limited acces only for user resources with user role
To-do list: - Addition rejection meal types and macronutrients preferences
- Addition validation for products proportions
Go to :
There are three account with corresponding roles : mealoouser, mealoomoderator and mealooadmin with password : password123
Swagger has got automatically generated token injection. If you want to change role, just create new Bearer using auth/sign-in and paste result to relevant place.
Java 11
Spring Boot 2
JUnit 5
Mockito 2
Cloudinary API
Damian Naglak - Backend Developer
John Patrick Valera - Frontend Developer
Frontend Codebase Repository :
Mealoo Web Client - Built with ReactJS