It is a Scrapper and Automation Tool
that is deloped to check all the issues in the website like what kind of improvement can be made in the website so that google will rank your website up in the google serarch resulet. This tool is developed using selenium
python model to get all the required metrics according to contrywise and generate a final CSV with all those metrics.
#Getting Started
Clone the library and copy into local system using git clone
git clone
Create a virtula environment either using virtualenv
or any oother python module. Using virtualenv
create a virtual entironment such as following
virtualenv venv -p python3.5
After creating virtual environment activate the virtualenv as follows
source venv/bin/activate
Now install the rquired library using pip
pip install selenium pandas
Download the chromedriver
to control the chrome seesion. Set the global path to the chrome driver.
After that, copy all the urls you wants to generate the report in the
After adding all the urls in the file now run the file
Once the process is done then the csv will be placed inside the report directory and the csv will be named as report.csv